  • 學位論文


The Cost-benefit Analysis of Applying RFID to Mold Management in the Auto Lighting Manufacturer

指導教授 : 陳勁甫


國內的汽車工業以及汽車零件工業形成一個典型的中衛體系,再加上供應售後維修體系的零組件供應商,國內的汽車零組件廠商約有兩千多家,其中赴中國大陸發展投資的廠商則超過兩百家,在零組件供應商中,車燈產業是屬於高成長的項目,但受困於內銷的發展限制,以及外銷的潛在威脅,其中包括有需求減少、以及競爭者眾多等的問題,眾多業主莫不思考能達到提升競爭優勢的策略,而其中模具直接影響車燈產品的品質以及交貨期,並間接影響企業的生產成本,因此模具的有效管理能為企業帶來市場的競爭能力。 RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)技術具有資料紀錄豐富,可以進行非接觸式讀取倉庫大量移動中的貨品等特性,可以提升供應鏈上的資訊能見度,將分布於全球的各個據點的資料,即時動態整合到後端的營運系統,且RFID未來的發展成長態勢被看好,產量將逐步達到規模經濟,勢必以往成本的問題將可減輕不少,為供應鏈管理上的應用提供有用的解決方案。 本研究目的在於分析車燈產業導入RFID於模具管理的成本與效益,企業期望藉由RFID來幫助模具的有效管理,達到降低作業的錯誤率,及提升企業生產效率,進而提升供應鏈的整體獲利能力,本研究藉由蒐集到的文獻資料,並透過訪談了解企業於模具管理的需求,將得到的資訊分別建立一分析成本以及效益的目標層級架構,而後藉由模擬法分析導入RFID後的成本,分析比較RFID導入前與導入後的模具管理效益,藉由此一連串的分析流程,期望能幫助車燈產業及相關的廠商,提供實用的資料及參考準則。


There are more than 2000 auto parts manufacturers in Taiwan. Domestic auto lighting products supply to the auto assembly manufacturers and the AM (aftermarket) market. The domestic vehicle lighting manufacturers participate in each international certifications positively, which encourages competition in the marketplace in the hope that their program will ultimately reduce cost to the consumer and the industry while increasing and assuring part quality. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) can be used for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader. RFID is used in enterprise supply chain management to reduce the lead-time, improve efficiency of inventory tracking and management, and eliminate human errors. RFID is becoming increasingly prevalent as the price of the technology decreases. The purpose of this thesis is studying the influence on applying RFID to mold management in the auto lighting manufacturer. The effectiveness of mold management impacts on the quality and the date of shipment of the lamp products and even the production cost. We build a cost-benefit analysis model, and revise the model by expert’s interview to make it accord with the practice of enterprise. The model analyzes not only the cost of applying RFID int the enterprise but the benefit that RFID will have helped corporate effective manage mold.


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