  • 學位論文


Study of Talents Cultivation and Community Development:In Case of Pingjen City, Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 謝登旺


1960年代,台灣地區從西方引入「社區發展」的概念後,成為公部門在社區業務的施政主軸,依靠的是公部門的政策主導與經費方面的補助;1990年代,更參考日本「社區總體營造」之經驗,逐漸將運作方式,轉型為由下而上的模式。以「公私協力」來推動公共事務的方式,於焉形成。基此,公部門挹注了龐大的社區資源,更需倚重基層「社區人才」,俾利政策的執行與推動。 概括而言,「人才」是組織的基礎,而組織常透過教育訓練的方式,達成組織的目標與發展。然而,「人才培育」工作是否攸關「社區發展」的成效?執行力下放的公共政策,社區是否有能力承擔?以及投注龐大的社區政策是否需要適時修正?人才培育的工作與影響,是否受到正視?這些都是值得探討的課題。基此,本論文以2006~07年間,桃園縣平鎮市12個社區發展協會之「人才培育」的情形,進行質性探討,除以文獻檢視訪談外,並對12位社區成員、4位公部門與5位學者專家,進行深度訪談。希望獲得社區在不同層級的意見。進而,引用企業管理的「人力資本理論」觀點,來檢視研究對象與研究主題的關聯性。 研究結果概述如下:一、「人才培育」與「社區發展」間呈現正相關,前者會影響組織層面的多元性發展;二、自發性非正式的社區經驗傳承,相較於依賴公部門的培訓方式,具備團隊運作的優勢,在短期「活動型」的方案中,雖有顯著成效,長期而言,卻常因地方利益衝突與競爭等因素交錯下,反略遜於積極自主的正式性培育方式;三、正式與非正式性的社區經驗合併,才是開拓社區「人才」資源,促使「社區發展」更臻成熟的契機;四、多數的社區無自發性的進行「人才培育」工作,僅願配合社政體系運作的觀念,略為侷限了社區政策的推展。


In 1960s, the concept of “Community Development” was introduced into Taiwan from the West, becoming the axe of administration of the public sector in the field of community affaires under the guidance of the policy and the aid of the budget provided by the public sector. Till 1990s, the public sector referred to Japan’s experience of “Community Infrastructure Establishment” and gradually transferred to the bottom-up mode, thus the mode of using “Public-Private Partnership” was formed to impel public affairs. Based on this, the public sector not only shifts tremendous community resources, but also entrusts “Community Talent” with heavy responsibility in order to execute and carry out policies more smoothly. General speaking, “Talent” is the base of organizations. Organizations sometimes develop and attain their goals by way of training. However, does “Talent Cultivation” have any relation with the performance of “Community Development”? Will community be capable to carry out the public policy after the devolution? Is the community policy with huge investment needed to revise in due time? Will the task and influence of talent cultivation be respected? These topics are all worth to be probed into. Accordingly, this paper investigates into the situation of “Talent Cultivation” performed by 12 community development associations in Pingjen City of Taoyuan during 2006 and 2007. Other than document reviews, the writer also conducts in-depth interviews with 12 community members, 4 public sectors, 5 scholars and experts with a view to acquiring opinions from different levels of communities. Further, the viewpoint of “Human Capital Theory“ adopted from the enterprise manager is quoted to survey the relations between the objects and subjects of this study. The results of study are summarized as : 1. The positive correlation is presented between “Talent Cultivation” and “Community Development”; 2. For team operation, the inherits of spontaneously unofficial community experience are superior to the dependence on the public sector’s training way. Although the effect of short-term "activity" project is remarkable , for the long term, it is usually inferior to the positive independent official cultivation way because of the factors mixed with local benefit conflicts and competitions; 3. The combination of official and unofficial community experiences will become the turning point of developing the “talent” resources of the community and accelerating the “Community Development”; 4. Most communities have no intention to proceed on “Talent Cultivation” spontaneously. The concept that they are only willing to do by coordinating the operation of the society system has limited the development of the community policy.


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