  • 學位論文


Examining ICT’s effects on personal network and social support from the social affordances perspective: a case study of ICTs users in Kinmen County

指導教授 : 曾淑芬


網絡個人主義認為個人社群不必然侷限於過去的地方社群中,資通訊科技提供了另一種與他人聯繫的方式,根據社會能供性的觀點,不同的資通訊科技提供了個人接觸他人不同的機會與限制,這也代表了個人將透過資通訊網絡擁有不同的網絡資源。由於金門縣近年在資通訊科技使用率上快速增長,同時卻也保有傳統社群的形態,此特性適宜本研究之調查目的,因此本研究透過次級資料對金門縣資通訊科技使用者的資通訊網絡進行分析。首先檢視個人的媒介聯繫模式,相關研究顯示北美使用者多為媒體多重性的使用模式,愈熟識的聯絡人愈會透過多種媒介溝通,日本使用者則為區隔式媒體使用的模式,會透過不同的媒介聯繫不同類型的聯絡人,本研究首先好奇資通訊科技使用者的使用模式為何,以及在網絡內容的層級上,是否存在社會能供性的影響,不同資通訊網絡在過去網絡資源常探討的規模、密度與同質性等特性上,將具有顯著的差異;接著過去研究顯示社會網絡是個人取得社會支持的重要來源,本研究亦好奇資通訊網絡做為另一種形式的網絡資源,對個人取得社會支持的影響為何。 透過網絡方法對資通訊網絡進行分析後可知,對資通訊科技使用者而言,被認為是兩種不同模式的媒體多重性與區隔式媒體使用,是可以並存而非完全互斥,同時在網絡內容上,手機、電子郵件及即時通訊呈現出不同的差異,顯示社會能供性的影響,使用者可以透過不同的資通訊科技,形成不同的網絡內容,也顯示資通訊網絡方法在分析上的適用性。但對資通訊科技使用者而言,資通訊網絡並不是其取得社會支持的最主要來源,不過當使用者擁有的資通訊科技不同時,不同資通訊網絡的不同特性會分別對情感與資訊社會支持產生一定程度的影響。


This study has two main research questions. In the first part, we try to find out the implication of ICTs on personal networks. From social affordances perspective, we expect different kinds of ICTs would provide users both opportunities and limits to interact with others. Recent studies show there are two kinds of media use behavior, “media multiplexity” and “division of media”. Two questions are asked in this part of the research. First, whether “media multiplexity” or “division of media” would characterize ICTs users in Taiwan? Secondly, we wonder how these ICTs networks differ in network size, density and homophily? From social affordances perspective, we expect different kinds of ICTs network would provide users different kinds of networks resources. The second part of research, we examine the implication of ICTs usage and ICTs network on social support. Do those who use more kinds of ICTs get more social support? Would emotional and informational social support be increased by using different kinds of ICTs networks? This study uses secondary data analysis. The dataset is from the national science project, “The Social Affordances of Information Technologies for Quality of Life, Social Capital and Networked Community”. This project focuses on ICTs users in Kimen County in Taiwan. Based on network analysis results, we found ICTs users in Taiwan would use all kinds of media to communicate with the strong ties, like media mulitplexity. But users would also use different kinds of media to communicate with different kinds of persons, like division of media. In this study “media mulitplexity” and “division of media” of media use behavior coexist with each other. At the network level, we found evidences for social affordances. Mobile phone, email and instant messenger differ in network size, density and homophily. Based on these results, network analysis is suitable for studying ICTs usage behavior and examining the theory of social affordances. In addition, we found ICTs users can increase emotional and informational social support by using different kinds of network.


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