  • 學位論文


The Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - A Real-Case of Mobile ECG System in Emergency Medical Services in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝瑞建


本研究主要是探討搭載於資通科技上之行動醫療應用,並以本實驗室所開發之行動式12導程心電圖資訊系統的執行,驗證急診在進行心臟疾病診療時,定點照護醫療理念的實踐。因此,本研究以行動心電圖資訊系統在國軍桃園總醫院急診室心臟內科的實際運用個案,進而探討系統執行上是否能解決行動科技導入急診室時所面臨的題。本研究主要分為兩個部份:首先,從各相關文獻中,歸納出系統的資訊品質、作業成本與組織效益等三大層面進行深入探討,做為個案醫院參與系統之相關管理者使用行動心電圖資訊系統的主要考量因素層面,再依據深入訪談為主,問卷結果為輔的方式,分別整理行動式12導程心電圖資訊系統是否符合臨床的要求,結果顯示系統導入可以(1)改進對病患醫療處置作業時間的效益(2)帶給急診醫療相關人員訓練及作業流程改善(3)電子化資料的收集將呈現有利醫學的研究,最後發現還可(4)減少醫療糾紛,希望透過這套行動科技導入將可解決急診室所面臨的難題,茲將以上結果提供予國內各大醫院為參考,以滿 足未來對於急診行動式12導程心電圖資訊系統方面的需求與期待。 關鍵字:資通科技,深入訪談,行動12導程心電圖


This major objective of this research was to investigate the applications of information communication technology (ICT) on emergency medical services (EMS) by the use of mobile 12 –lead ECG (M-ECG) information system, developed by medical informatics lab of Yuan Ze University. The study was mainly divided into two parts: First: to evaluate the impacts of M-ECG on the EMS from the following measurements including information quality, cost efficiency and organization Second, to evaluate the abilities of M-ECG to solve the challenges of EMS by qualitative interviews of physicians and nurses at Taoyuan Armed Forces General Hospital.. The results indicated that (1) the conduction of the M-ECG can effectively increase the time efficiency on medical treatments; (2) the M-ECG can improve the operational processes on emergency medical services; (3) the M-ECG can enhance the interoperability of 12-lead ECG among hospitals; (4) the real-time visualization of ECG records can reduce medical errors and derived problems in the law. The study was a pilot investigation on the need and expectation of M-ECG in the clinical practices. The conduction of M-ECG had improved successfully the qualities of EMS at Taoyuan Armed Forces General Hospital. Keyword:ICT、Qualitative in-depth interviews、Mobile 12-Lead ECG


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