  • 學位論文

國小學童課後托育需求滿足與學業成就之研究: 以桃園市為例

A Study of the Children’s Needs, Learning Motivations and Learning Achievements in the Afterschool Child Care Settings in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 劉宜君


本研究旨在瞭解桃園市參加課後托育的國小高年級學童,其需求滿足程度與學習動機之現況,以及需求滿足、學習動機、學業成就在幾種不同狀況下的差異情形。本研究採用問卷調查法,抽取校內課後照顧班及校外安親班共372位高年級學童做為研究樣本。 本研究之研究工具有「需求滿足量表」與「學習動機量表」,調查所得資料以描述性統計分析、t檢定等方法來進行統計分析。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、桃園市參加課後托育的國小高年級學童其需求滿足程度良好。 二、桃園市參加課後托育的國小高年級學童其學習動機現況良好。 三、不同的課後托育類型在自尊需求有顯著差異,校內課後照顧班的學童自尊需求滿足程度比校外安親班的學童高。 四、不同性別的學童在生理需求有顯著差異,女生的生理需求滿足程度高於男生。 五、不同的課後托育類型在學業成就有顯著差異,安親班的學童在國語、數學、社會、自然四科的月考成績皆比課後照顧班學童高。 六、需求滿足程度高低不同的學童在學習動機有顯著差異,需求滿足程度高的課後托育學童,在學習動機整體以及「內在價值」、「期望」、「情感」層面,皆高於需求滿足程度低的課後托育學童。 七、學習動機高低不同的學童在學業成就有顯著差異,學習動機高的課後托育學童,其學業成就明顯高於學習動機低的課後托育學童。 針對上述結果,本研究針對課後托育相關行政及教育單位提出建議:1.提升環境的舒適衛生。2.提供更多的學習資源。3.重視學童的自尊需求。4.秉持有教無類,避免標籤作用。5.滿足學童基本需求,強化學習動機。並指陳後續研究可以參考和改進的方向。


The main purpose of the study is to understand the present situation of children’s needs, learning motivations in the afterschool child care settings. The study also investigates the differences of needs, learning motivations and learning achievements under certain conditions. The research is concluded from questionnaires answered by 372 students under afterschool child care services in school or community. The research tools include “Scale of Children’s Needs in Afterschool Setting” and “Scale of Learning Motivations”. The data was analyzed by the statistic methods of descriptive statistics, t-test and factor analysis. The conclusions of the search are as following: 1. Children’s needs are well satisfied in afterschool settings in Taoyuan City. 2. The children in afterschool settings in Taoyuan City have good learning motivations. 3. Significant differences were found in self-esteem needs between different afterschool settings. The satisfaction of self-esteem needs is significantly better in public afterschool child care setting than that in private ones. 4. Significant differences were found in the physical needs between different genders. Girls’ physical needs are better satisfied than that of boys. 5. Significant differences were found in learning achievements between different afterschool settings. The children under private afterschool child care services have higher scores than the others under afterschool child care services in school. 6. The children who have different satisfying levels of needs have different learning motivations. Those who have higher satisfying levels of needs have better learning motivations not only in overall scare, but also in intrinsic value, expectation, and affection. 7. The children who have different levels of learning motivations have different learning achievements. Those who have higher levels of learning motivations have better learning achievements. According to the results stated above, this research would like to give suggestions to the administrative organizations, the teaching staff and future researchers as the following: 1. Improve the conditions of sanitation. 2. Supply the children in afterschool child care classes with sufficient learning resources. 3. Emphasize children’s need of self-esteem. 4. Abide by the principle of equality, and be careful not to lable any children. 5. Satisfy children’s basic needs in order to increase their learning motivations.


