  • 學位論文

環境正義之追求 - 以觀音鄉保障村垃圾場抗爭為例

A research on environmental justice - base on the example of protesting against wasteyards in KUAN-YIN Township, PAO-CHANG Village

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


本研究是以觀音鄉保障村十年的環保抗爭為主軸,包括反轅碩垃圾場在內的抗爭為例子,來探討邊陲地區居民對環境正義的追求。首先藉由文獻研讀及訪談,還原及呈現觀音鄉及保障村,在工業化前後的環境狀況。經由訪談來探討抗爭形成的原因,瞭解整個抗爭的過程及爭議焦點,還有村民與環保團體的運作情形,並探討當時政府對此案的處理態度。 接著再從三方面來探討環境正義:用邊陲理論的觀點來檢視保障村及觀音鄉的狀況。對保障村環境不正義的補償、回饋在抗爭活動中所扮演的角色。政府的決策中,是否有以保障村居民的參與程度來考量環境正義,最後檢討保障村抗爭後的地方永續發展狀況。 抗爭過後十年,雖然整個觀音鄉在環境面有改善,但保障村的環境卻有逐漸惡化的趨勢。此外觀音鄉依然面對著具有爭議性的大型工廠遷入的威脅,居民對污染的抵抗意識依然強烈。保障村的抗爭事件結束十年後,重新檢討整個事件,我們得到幾個結論:村民的環境權未得到適當重視與維護,在鄰避設施的設置上,村民的環境權與參與權被忽視,最後在制度設計及法規的修正方面提出建議。為了達到地方永續發展,更提出防風林、沙丘、沙灘作為保障村永續發展的重點指標。


This thesis is to research on residents of the rural area who have been striving for environmental justice in KUAN-YIN Township, PAO-CHANG Village for ten years. The case of anti-private waste clearance company, YUAN-SHUO, in KUAN-YIN Township, PAO-CHANG Village, was the key issue to be discussed. First of all, through interview and documents, the researcher tried to reveal the environmental situation before and after the industrialization in the rural area in KUAN-YIN Township, PAO-CHANG Village. Through interviewing villagers who participated in the protest, the writer tried to find out the causes and the key issue of the protest. The action that the government had taken to deal with such an issue and the effort that the villagers and the environmental protection group had put into were also discussed. Furthermore, to discuss environmental justice from three parts: The first part is to exam KUAN-YIN Township, PAO-CHANG Village through the Theory of Border Region. And also to discover the role that compensation played in the issue of environmental justice. Secondly, to find out if the government considered the participation of the PAO-CHANG Villagers in their policy making in regarding to the environmental justice. Lastly, is to review the sustainable development of KUAN-YIN Township, PAO-CHANG Village after the protest. After struggling for10 years, the whole township of KUAN-YIN seemed to improve in its environment, but the environment of the PAO-CHANG Village is getting worse. Besides, the PAO-CHANG Village needs to face the new issue due to the moving in of some big factories. However, the villagers still hold the strong will to fight for pollution of any kinds. The writer has reexamined the whole case after the protest of the PAO-CHANG village ceased for ten years. Followings are the conclusion and suggestions:First, the environmental rights of PAO-CHANG villagers were not properly respected during that time. Second, the participation rights and the environmental rights were ignored in regarding to the NIMBY facility. Lastly, I would offer two suggestions for the authority as direction when designing mechanism and revising the regulations. For the sustainable development of the village, designing a windbreak forest and maintaining sand dune and beaches are the top priorities.


李公哲主編 (1998)。《永續發展導論》,台北:中華民國環境工程學會。
黃之棟、黃瑞祺 (2009)。〈環境正義的經濟向度:環境正義與經濟分析必不相容?〉《國家與社會》,2009年第6期,頁51-102。


