  • 學位論文


A Study on Digital Divide for Aboriginal Elementary School Students: A Case of Fuxing Township, Taoyuan County.

指導教授 : 劉宜君




The study aimed at exploring the condition of digital divide for elementary school students in higher grades, by questionnaire, sampling 169 aboriginal students in Fuxing Township and 293 non-aboriginal ones from schools in remote districts in Taoyuan County. The instruments used in this study included the scale of “the access of using information technology”, “type of information content access” and “information literacy”. The collected data were analyzed by various kinds of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, chi-square, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Spearman’s correlation. According to the analysis, the findings were shown as follows: First of all, digital divide existed between aboriginal and non-aboriginal students. There was significant difference shown in the dimension of “information access”, “type of information content access” and “information literacy”. Moreover, digital divide existed among various factors in students’ different backgrounds. There were diverse degrees of difference shown among parents’ distinct social status, each family’s information equipment, the students’ online hours every day, and aboriginal parents’ attitude towards children’s “information access”, “type of information content access” and “information literacy”. In addition, there was lower to higher relationship among variables of “information access”, “type of information content access” and “information literacy” to an aboriginal student. According to the findings of the study, the research brings out some suggestions for the government and non- profit institutions, the elementary schools, the aboriginal parents, and for further study were proposed. In the beginning, the government and non-profit institutions need to continue subsidizing the equipment and broadband internet service in aboriginal. Furthermore, for the elementary schools in Fuxing Township, opening computer labs, holding related clubs or camps during summer and winter vacations would be beneficial. As to the aboriginal parents in Fuxing Township, parents could encourage their children to use computers in public information station so as to increase their opportunity for digital learning. Finally, for further studies, besides the method of questionnaire, interviews and exploration of other variables could be assisting.


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