  • 學位論文


Reverse culture shock: The experiences of Taiwanese reentry

指導教授 : 柯宜中


世界不斷的在改變,每個國家之間的聯繫變得比之前更親近,國際間的文化也跟隨著人們在變動。在這種情形之下,越來越多人們希望可以去不同國家念書,體驗不同文化以及接受教育。 在臺灣,每年都有許多人出國以及回國。在返國留學生人數不斷增加的情況下,人們之間的文化交流也更頻繁了。離開自己的出生國家之後,住在一個不同的國家,體驗了不同的環境以及文化,本研究探討留學生的經驗以及反向文化衝擊。本研究採用質性訪談來收集與分析資料。 全程參與的研究者共五位,五位訪談者皆是臺灣人,並且都曾在英語系國家求學,介於兩年以及十年間,回到臺灣至少18個月。 在此研究中,研究者發現影響訪談者的反向文化衝擊重要因素為: (1) 出國的年紀,(2)出國及回國原因,(3)居住在國外的時間,以及(4) 回到臺灣的工作。研究發現那些有比較多的人際關係問題的留學生是出國年紀較早,非自願回國以及在國外待較長時間。他們對回臺灣生活的態度影響了返國文化適應。


As the world is changing continuously, the connections among every country become much closer than before. The global cultures are also changing with people. Under this situation, more and more people intend to study in different countries, experience different cultures and pursue education. In Taiwan, there are many people who go abroad and come back. With the increasing number of reentry Taiwanese, the cultural exchange among people becomes more frequent. After leaving their own home country and living in a different country, the processes and experiences of the reentry were investigated in this research. In this study, the researcher adopted the qualitative interview to collect and analyze the data. There were five Taiwanese participants. Besides, each of them had studied in an English-speaking country between two to ten years, and came back to Taiwan for at least eighteen months. In this study, the researcher found that the important factors of reverse culture shock include: (1) age of going abroad, (2) the reasons of going abroad and returning, (3) the duration abroad, and (4) their jobs back in Taiwan. Those who went abroad at an earlier age, were reluctant to return, and spent longer time abroad were found to have more interpersonal relationship problems. Their attitude toward life back to Taiwan affects their reverse culture adjustment.


Ministry of Education (Taiwan)
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