  • 學位論文

大學學生對口腔健康知識、態度及行為探討 :以南部某科技大學為例

Oral Health Related Knowledge , Attitude and Practice toward students in a University of Science and Technology in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃純德


研究背景: 齲齒和牙周病在歷年來被認為是全球最重要的口腔健康問題,口腔若未獲得適當的照護,則容易發生口腔疾病,進而影響生理功能。而隨著年紀的增長,齲齒情形愈為嚴重,從而影響日常的社會活動並降低生活品質。在中小學的階段,有學校老師的耳提面命,時時叮嚀口腔保健的重要,學生亦在此階段養成了往後的保健模式,因此此階段之口腔健康教育對於往後口腔健康影響深遠。然而國內針對大學生口腔健康習慣之研究相當有限,因此本研究希望以此為出發點,著重探討大學生口腔健康知識、態度及行為,希望有助於未來提升學生口腔健康與生活品質,做為推展口腔健康教育政策的參考資訊。 研究目的: 藉由探討不同科系大學生對於口腔健康知識、態度和行為之差異,進一步探討不同的學程中的教育環境對學生的口腔健康行為及對口腔健康狀況之影響。 研究方法: 針對南部某科技大學的護理學系、幼兒保育學系、長期照顧學系、食品營養學系、資訊管理學系之大學生為研究對象,進行口腔健康知識、態度及行為之問卷調查。使用立意取樣(Purposive sampling),問卷共回收792份,有效問卷為675份,有效率為85.23%。統計分析使用t-test、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)和迴歸分析找出影響口腔健康知識、態度及行為影響因素。 研究結果: 大學生平均口腔健康知識總分為47.38±17.23分,在平均口腔健康態度總分為63.93±10.63分。口腔健康行為方面,以每天刷牙兩次佔為最多(83.85%),而使用牙線佔26.81%,使用漱口水來潔牙大學生佔12.30%。以不同科系觀看護理學系受測者在口腔健康知識、行為及現況均優其餘學系受測者;而以不同年級別上的比較,可發現高年級的受測者在知識與態度及行為方面的得分明顯高於低年級的受測者;口腔健康相關課程方面,本研究結果發現,發現在校有接受口腔健康相關課程的大學生知識總分顯著高於沒有上過口腔相關課程的大學生。 結論: 研究結果發現護理科系學生相較其他科系的大學生,有較正向口腔健康知識、態度及行為。建議可加強大學生的口腔衛生教育及訂定大學生口腔保健相關課程,奠定學生健康發展基礎。 關鍵字:口腔健康知識、態度、行為、大學生。


口腔健康知識 態度 行為 大學生


Background: In recent years dental caries and periodontal disease are considered the most important global burden of oral health. If you do not get the proper care, you are prone to oral disease, which further affects physiological function. As age increases, dental caries becomes more and more serious, and then affects the day-to-day activities of society and reduces the quality of life. At the stage of primary and secondary school, teachers impart instruction and the importance of oral health to their students . Therefore students develop a health-care model for the future, which influences subsequent oral health. College students’ oral health knowledge based on this is not easy to change. Research on domestic college students’ oral hygiene habits is very limited. The focus of this study is to explore the university students’ oral health knowledge, attitude and behavior, to help enhance students' oral health and quality of life for the future, and provide reference information to promote oral health education policy. Study objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in oral health knowledge, attitude and behavior of junior-senior college students in different departments .To further explore the Oral Health Program in an educational environment and its impact on students’ knowledge and attitude to oral health. Study methods: The study subjects were recruited from the Department of Nursing, Department of long-term Care , Department of Early Childhood Care, Department of Food and Nutrition, and the Department of Information Management from the Medical Professional University in southern Taiwan, to carry out the survey of oral health knowledge, attitude and behavior. Using purposive sampling , 792 questionnaires were collected. Of these, 684 questionnaires were valid with an effective rate of 86.36%. Statistical analysis, using t-test, single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis to identify the impact of oral health knowledge, attitude and behavior factors were used. Results: The total score of college students’ average oral health knowledge was 47.40 ± 17.21, and the total score of average oral health attitude was 63.89 ± 10.64. In oral health behavior, the majority brush their teeth twice a day (83.63%), 26.75% of subjects use dental floss, and 12.7% of subjects use mouth wash to clean their teeth. Subjects from the Department of Nursing have better knowledge, behavior and status in oral health than subjects from other departments. Comparison between different years shows that senior subjects score much higher than junior subjects. The results of this study found that college students accepting an oral health curriculum have a significantly higher knowledge score than those not on an oral-related course in school. Conclusion: The results found that nursing department students, compared to other departments of the university, have more positive oral health knowledge, attitude and behavior. However, to strengthen the oral health education of college students and teach oral health-related courses is necessary to lay a foundation for the development of student health. Keywords: oral health knowledge, attitude, behavior, college students.


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