  • 學位論文


Relationships Between Nutrient Intake/Dietary Habits and Dental Caries for 1-3years old Children

指導教授 : 黃純德


中文摘要 背景: 長久以來臺灣地區乳牙齲齒率一直是偏高的現象。而飲食及口腔衛生習慣向來被認為是齲齒的危險因子,1-3歲幼兒飲食正逐漸脫離嬰兒期飲食步向正常飲食,且亦正值乳牙萌發時期,乳牙的健康與否將影響日後恆牙的發展與健康。因此這階段幼兒的營養素攝取及飲食狀況與口腔健康間之相關性是值得探討的牙科公共衛生議題。 研究目的: 本研究主要目的是(1)探討幼兒飲食狀況與齲齒之相關性,包括:哺育方式、各類食物攝取量與均衡性、飲料及甜食攝取等(2)探討父母社經地位及口腔保健態度與幼兒齲齒之相關性。 研究方法: 本研究為一橫斷面之研究。以台灣南部某醫學中心出生之1-3歲孩童為收案對象。參與本研究計劃的個案共計208人。身體檢查及口腔檢查由新生兒科醫師及兒童牙科醫師進行,問卷部份由父母親填答。將問卷資料以 Microsoft Access建檔,再以JMP統計軟體進行描述性與推論性統計分析。 研究結果: 齲齒與性別、出生體位無顯著差異性,但隨年齡增加而增加,且具統計上顯著差異(p<0.001)。在飲食因子部份:齲齒與哺育奶類、哺育方式在統計上無顯著差異,但與喝完奶後有無潔牙動作有顯著差異存在(p=0.004);在六大類食物、三大營養素攝取方面:以同一年齡層而言,無齲齒者蔬菜、水果攝取量有較高於有齲齒者之現象。在含糖飲料及甜食攝取方面,以同一年齡層而言,有齲齒者含糖奶類製品、硬糖、軟糖、巧克力攝取次數有高於無齲齒者之現象,雖然未達統計上顯著差異。 在幼兒口腔保健部份:有無潔牙在有無齲齒間具統計上顯著差異(p<0.005),且是否以牙刷為清洗方式具統計上顯著差異(p=0.0046)。 結論: 由本研究觀察推測含糖飲料及甜食攝取可能是影響齲齒發生之危險因子。在甜食與飲料方面,父母應讓幼兒瞭解含糖飲料及甜食對牙齒健康可能造成的影響,且宜加強幼兒對甜食及飲料攝取次數的約束力。 口腔清潔習慣的亦是幼兒牙齒保健的重要關鍵,父母應幫助幼兒及早建立良好的口腔保健習慣,以利口腔健康的維持。 年齡對飲食內容亦居影響角色,隨著年齡增長幼兒飲食日趨複雜,父母親選擇食物的觀念與態度,宜以均衡與健康的營養觀念為導向,並隨著年齡增長而調整幼兒攝取量,以符合成長


乳牙 恆牙 萌發


Abstract Background: The caries prevalence in Taiwan has been obviously high for a long time. It is believed that dietary and oral hygiene habits are the risk factors for the dental caries. 1-3year old children are just at the period of dietary change and tooth eruption, the health of primary teeth will seriously affect the health,eruption and arrangement of the permanent teeth. Thus,this issue has become an important problem in oral public health. Objective: The purposes of this research were(1)to explore the relationships between caries and children,s dietary habits, nutrients intake, nursing experience,and sweet intake.(2)to explore the relationships between parent’s dental attitudes and children’s caries condition. Materials and Methods: The subjects of this study consisted of 208 children aged 1-3 years old,who were born at a medical center in southern Taiwan. Clinical examinations were carried out by pediatritist, and oral examinations were carried out by dentists. Questionnaries were answered by their parents.Data was analyzed with the t-test, Chi-square test and Wilcoxon rank-sum test for significant differences between variables and caries. Results: Two hundred and eight children participated in our study, including 109 boys(52.40%)and 99 girl(47.60%). there was no significant differences between boys and girls with regard to the caries index. However, the number of decayed teeth increased with their age. We also found that there were no significant differences between nursing habits and caries, but oral hygiene habits after feeding had significant effect on caries(p=0.0044), There was a significant difference when comparing whether children brushed there teeth or not(p=0.0006). Moreover, there was a definite trend between childrens, caries and sweet &soft drink intake, especially with sugar-based dairy drink, candy and chocolate intake in the study. Conclusion: The intake of sweet, soft drinks and oral hygiene habits are the risk factors for caries. So, parents should educate children to understand the effects, and should pay serious attention to the oral health behavior of children. Furthermore, healthful dietary intake is very important for young children. Key word:primary teeth, permanent teeth, eruption


primary teeth permanent teeth eruption


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4.杜敏世。兒童齲齒之預防。護理雜誌1982,29(2): 36-41。


