  • 學位論文


Hopeful puzzle—Lived experiences of adolescent patients with cancer during hospitalization.

指導教授 : 楊玉娥


本研究之目的在於探討罹患癌症青少年之住院生活經驗,因此採用質性研究的現象學研究法,以深度訪談(in-depth interview)的方式收集資料,藉由與受訪者進行訪談、陳述自我的住院生活經驗,瞭解罹患癌症青少年於癌症治療期間的住院生活經驗之完整內容,對其成長、發展帶來的影響及改變。訪談後將十二位受訪者共十四份逐字稿以Colaizzi的內容分析法進行資料處理及分析,將其所陳述的經驗作合宜的歸類及正確的描述,歸納出兩個主題(theme)分別為「住院苦痛誰能知」以及「生命的重新蛻化」。住院苦痛誰能知的主題中歸納出三個次主題(sub-theme)為「生活型態被迫改變」、「身心備受煎熬」、「情感的衝突與矛盾」;生命的重新蛻化的主題中歸納出三個次主題為「學習轉念與成長」、「對於醫療重新定位」、「重生後的蛻變」,其下更囊括了二十三個項目(item)。 經由此研究發現,因每一個人有著不同的生活背景與經驗,因而對於疾病的體驗及感受也有所不同,在罹患癌症青少年的住院生活經驗探討中,研究者聽到並感受到在治療期間他(她)們與疾病共存的喜怒哀樂,這群青少年們經歷了他人無法了解的種種住院苦痛,但卻利用自我堅忍不拔的精神,帶著源源不絕的重生信念,最後歷經生命的重新蛻化,走在這一條艱辛漫長的治療之路上,邁向期待已久的終點,罹患如此的疾病必然是有缺憾的,就像是拼圖般的少了一角,但生命的重新蛻化卻像是另一塊拼圖的突起之處,巧妙地填滿這少了一角的缺憾,重生夢想終成真,最終他(她)們向著所殷殷期盼的希望跑去,造就了這充滿希望的美麗拼圖-希望的拼圖。 期許藉此研究的探討結果,以提供兒科醫療工作人員及家屬在照護罹患癌症青少年患者之參考,並可讓仍在進行癌症治療的青少年們了解他人之經驗及感受,並能夠提供罹患癌症青少年更適宜的護理,使得罹患癌症青少年住院期間能夠獲得其發展需要的照護環境。


The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experiences of adolescent patients with cancers during hospitalization. The method of phenomenology that in-depth interview were carried out to collect data. We conducted interview with participants. The statement of participant’s life experiences was implemented to understand the full content of hospitalization of cancers in adolescent patients during hospitalization. To understand the impact of cancer on growth and development and change. The transcription of participants descriptions were analyzed by using Colaizzi’s method of phenomenology. The results of data analysis can be concluded in two themes:“the bitter of hospitalization who can understand” and “life transformation.” “The bitter of hospitalization who can understand” was constructed by three sub-themes: “life style was forced to change, ” “sufferings of the physical body and the mind,” “conflict and contradiction of emotion.” “Life transformation” was constructed by three sub-themes:“learn to reframe and grow,” “medical repositioning,” “regeneration after the transformation.” Through this study we found that each person has a different background and experience of life, so the feelings of the disease is also different. Adolescents have experienced all kinds of hospitalization bitter that others cann’t understand, but they have the indomitable spirit, with an endless stream of rebirth of faith. Finally, after life transformation, they are heading for the desired ending. Suffering from such a disease is bound to have shortcomings, like a puzzle misses one piece, but life transformation is like another piece of the protruding parts of the puzzle, cleverly fills the missing corner of the missing. The dream of rebirth becomes reality, finally they ran toward the end. Creating a beautiful puzzle that is full of hope-Hopeful puzzle. We hope the results of this study can be applied as reference for pediatric medical staff and family members of cancers in adolescent patients. Allowing who adolescents are still undergoing treatment to understand the experience and feelings of others. And can provide them with more appropriate nursing care.


