  • 學位論文


evelopment and Feasibility Evaluation of the Healthy Beat Accupunch (HBA) Exercise Program for the Community-Dwelling Older Adults

指導教授 : 陳桂敏


背景:台灣的老年人口比例逐年上升,成功老化是台灣急需發展與關注的社會議題,為降低老年族群所帶來的社會與醫療負擔,許多研究證實可藉由活動或運動以提升老年人身心機能。 目的:發展適合社區老人從事之「養生律動經絡拳」並前驅測試其可行性。 方法:本研究共分兩階段。第一階段透過德菲爾專家效度,由16位專家學者進行「養生律動經絡拳」原始版操作文本及DVD評價,並編修成「養生律動經絡拳」專家版;第二階段採單組後測準實驗性研究設計,共收案31位65歲以上社區關懷據點老人進行前驅性試驗,運動介入時間為期一個月,每週三次、每次四十分鐘。兩階段皆予半結構式問卷收集專家學者及社區老人對本運動方案可行性之意見,包括簡易性、安全性、適切性及助益性。意見分質性與量性兩部分,質性部分採內容分析法進行分析,量性部分以平均值及標準差之統計方式進行分析。 結果:透過專家學者動作評值將「養生律動經絡拳」運動方案分三個部分,共24個動作。經12次養生律動經絡拳訓練後,綜合三個部分的社區老人可行性評值結果為:簡易性(8.84 ± 0.85 ~ 9.55 ± 1.32)、安全性(9.74 ± 0.18 ~ 9.77 ± 0.58)、適切性(9.68 ± 0.43 ~ 9.90 ± 0.70)、助益性(9.68 ± 0.36 ~ 9.94 ± 0.79)。在研究對象參與「養生律動經絡拳」訓練後,多數人(58.06%)認為認為場地大,越多人一起做最適合,且建議以每週三次(77.42%)、每次40分鐘(74.19%)的訓練頻率最合宜,且多數對指導者的特質期待是具備專業(24.62%)、親切友善(21.54%)及有耐心(13.85%)。 結論:綜觀本研究結果,專家學者及社區老人對本運動方案之可行性皆給予正向回饋,顯示本運動方案是容易執行且具安全性、助益性並適合65歲以上長輩執行的運動。而老年人對運動領導者的專業、細心與親切之期待,予運動實務帶領者提升專業素養的指引方向,並建議未來可更廣泛、長時間以本運動方案作為介入措施進行實驗性研究,將有助於瞭解本運動方案對老人身心的影響程度。


Background: Successful ageing is a societal issue that needs more attention and development urgently due to the elevated population of older adults annually. In order to reduce the societal and medical burden, many studies have proved that activity or exercising can promote the physical and mental function of the elderly. Purpose: To develop Healthy Beat Accupunch (HBA) suitable for older adults and pilot-testing the feasibility of the exercise program. Method: The study was conducted in two stages with Delphi technique used in stage I. Sixteen experts evaluated the HBA program with hard copy and the DVD demonstrated each exercise and further revised the original one to expert edition. In stage II, Quasi-experiment, single group, pretest-posttest study design was adapted. Thirty-one older adults from community care station aged more than 65 years were recruited. The HBA program was conducted 3 times a week, 40 minutes per session, and lasting for a month. In both stage I and II, the experts and older adults was given a semi-constructed questionnaire to collect their opinion on the feasibility of the program which includes simplicity, safety, applicability, and beneficiality. The opinion was divided into qualitative and quantitative part. Content analysis was used in qualitative data; mean and standard deviation were used to analyze quantitative data. Results: The HBA program was divided into 3 sections and 24 parts through the evaluation of the experts. After 12 times of HBA program training, the results of feasibility were: simplicity (8.84 ± 0.85~9.95± 1.32), safety (9.74 ± 0.18 ~ 9.77± 0.58), applicability (9.68 ± 0.43 ~ 9.90 ± 0.70), and beneficiality (9.68± 0.36 ~ 9.94 ± 0.79). After the HBA program intervention, most participants (58.16%) thought that the program should take place in a large field and the more people join it the better of the effect. The participants also suggested that the frequency of 3 times a week (77.42%), 40 minutes per session (74.19%) was suitable and the expected characteristics of the instructors were professional (24.62%), friendly (21.54%), and patient (13.85%). Conclusion: Overview of the results suggested that the experts and the community-dwelling older adults gave positive feedback to the feasibility of the HBA program, indicating that the program can be easily conducted and is safe, beneficial, and suitable for older adults aged 65 years or older. Further, the expected characteristics of the instructors being professional, careful and friendly by older adults lead the way for the instructors to cultivate professionalism. Future research is recommended to conducted experimental study with HBA program as intervention broadly and longitudinally to understand the impact of the program on physical and mental function of older adults.


內政部統計司(2013) .103年第3週(102年底人口結構分析).取自http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/week/list.htm
內政部統計處(2014)•統計查詢網-人口年齡•取自 http://statis.moi.gov.tw/micst/stmain.jsp?sys=100
