  • 學位論文


The Knowledge and Construction of Diverse Cultural Care --- The Perception, Communication and Disparity Between Vietnam’s Mothers and Nurses During Children’s Hospitalization

指導教授 : 楊玉娥


本研究目的是描述異文化照護之知識與建構---論病童住院期間越南籍母親與護理人員之間的觀感、溝通與差距。研究方法採現象學研究法,於民國97年11月至98年3月,在南部某區域教學醫院兒童內科病房收案,以立意取樣(purposive sampling)的方式,共收七位越南籍母親與八位護理人員。研究者分別與研究對象進行一到二次40-60分鐘會談。將所有訪談內容經Colaizzi的內容分析法進行比較及歸類,直到分析達到理論性飽和為止。 資料分析結果,異文化照護之知識與建構---論病童住院期間越 南籍母親與護理人員之間的觀感、溝通與差距,將分為二部份為:住 院期間越南籍母親面對病孩的照護感受可歸納為六大主題:「病兒住 院經驗的描述」、「面對病兒治療的恐懼」、「對台灣護理人員的印象」、「因語言障礙與醫護人員溝通的隔閡」、「因病兒住院而使自己累加照護經驗」、「面臨語言障礙需要搭起溝通的橋樑」。及住院期間護理人員面對越南籍母親的照護感受可歸納為七大主題「對越南籍母親的主觀印象」、「護理人員的照護感受」、「秉持著應有的工作態度」、「溝通橋樑間的障礙」、「護理指導的認知差距」、「減少溝通隔閡的策略」、「無法跳脫的種族觀感」。 本研究結果顯示,以異文化照護之知識與建構---論病童住院期間越南籍母親與護理人員之間的觀感、溝通與差距。從研究對象的住院、照護經驗,來看現象的原貌。期許增進護理照護品質的提升與建立良好的護病關係,讓照護的隔閡降低及作為婦幼護理教育者與臨床婦幼護理行政者的參考,讓跨國籍護理照護賦予更多的關注性。


The purpose of this study is to explore the knowledge and construction of diverse cultural care --- the perception, communication and disparity between Vietnam’s mothers and nurses during children’s hospitalization. This study was conducted by the phenomenological method and recruited seven Vietnam’s mothers and eight nurses who take care sick children in pediatric ward at the southern hospital as the study sample, and the method of the study was mainly the purposive sampling on November, 2008 to March,2009. There were about forty to sixty minutes to interview , and we conducted one to two times interview each participants. The data are then classified and categorized, base on Colaizzi’s content analysis, to the point of theoretical saturation. The result shows that experience of the nurse and Vietnam’s mother take care children in the hospital. There are divide into two parts: Vietnam’s mothers face to children experience of care. There can be summarized six themes:“describe to children for sick in the hospital,” “face to children in frightened treatment,”“impression to nurses in Taiwan,”“barrier communication to the doctor and the nurse, ”“obtain the accumulation to take care children of experience in the hospital, ”“ face to barrier communication and demand to build up bridge”. The nurses face to Vietnam’s mothers take care children of experience. There can be summarized eight themes: “ impression to Vietnam’s mothers by subjective,”“the nurses look after the feeling, ”“maintain to work attitude, ”“barrier to communication bridge,” “ disparity of cognition to nursing teach,” “improve to barrier communication strategy ,” “impression to unable the bracelet race” . The result of this study shows that the knowledge and construction of diverse cultural care --- the perception, communication and disparity between Vietnam’s mothers and nurses during children’shospitalization.Based on Vietnam’s mothers and the nurses regard in the hospital and experience of nursing in the original condition phenomenon. We hope to improve quality of nursing care and set up nurse-children’s mothers of Vietnam race relationship, reduce to barrier care. The result of this study can be applied as reference for the clinical nurses and the nursing administrators and to promote the trans-cultural nursing care noticed.


王秀紅、楊詠梅(2002).東南亞跨國婚姻婦女的健康.護理雜誌, 49(2)35-41。


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