  • 學位論文


A Investigate Paper On The Health and Lifestyle of Female Workers in Oyster Industry Around Taiwan Chiayi Dongshih Coastal Area

指導教授 : 楊玉娥


嘉義縣東石鄉因氣候屬熱帶加上雨量與海風足以調節氣候、日照時數長,進而成為牡蠣養殖漁業的原鄉(嘉義縣東石鄉公所全球資訊網,2006)。其地方產業以牡蠣養殖為主要生產來源,女性的工作大多以「剖蚵」為主。 從事牡蠣產業工作的女性其成長歷程與勞動方式獨具特殊的性質,從小生長的環境造就了她們必須學習沿海地區居民的生活技能並仰賴剖蚵為業;其勞動工時長且必須在清晨至傍晚期間執行工作,造成了許多職業上的後遺症;而研究中提及多數女性面臨經濟上的困境與身體方面的病痛,在經濟狀況無法得到改善的同時,因為擔心後續的治療會帶來生活更大的衝擊,因而放棄治療的機會。 本研究以深入訪談法(indepth-interview)研究嘉義縣東石鄉沿海地區從事牡蠣產業工作的女性其生活型態與健康之探討。以開放式的訪談結構與11位成年且目前居住在東石鄉從事牡蠣產業工作的女性進行深入訪談。經由分析歸納出兩個面向來探討:一是陳述其生活處境;另一則為由其生活處境延伸的健康問題。共分為三大主題,分別為一、阮本是海口人;二、剖蚵人抹好額;三、剖蚵的身體處境。 希望提供給臨床護理人員與社區公衛人員重新思考對不同生活型態、職業別的個案,在我們提供相關護理措施與介入之前,應考慮多方面向以確立民眾的生活處境與健康問題,才能給予最適切的照護。


東石鄉 牡蠣 生活型態 身體處境 健康


Dongshih, Chiayi is a rural township situated in a tropical climate. With sufficient rainfall, sea breeze and long daylight hours, Dongshih becomes the homeland of oyster farming industry (Dongshih Township Office website, 2006). The local production is primarily around the oyster farming. Most of the woman population “shucks oyster” as their daily job. Due to the working nature of the oyster farming industry, these women have very distinctive growing experiences. In this environment, they must learn the life skills for coastal fishery and their employment option is limited to shuck oyster. Their working hours are long and the work has to be performed during early morning to evening. This leads to many sequelae from work related injuries. This study mentions the financial difficulties and physical illness of these women. They often give up further medical treatment because the fears of worsen financial situation. This study uses in-depth interview technique to collect qualitative information about the lifestyle and health of women who work in oyster farming industry in Dongshih costal area. The interview was conducted with 11 women with open-ended questions. The interview transcripts were then analysed and synthesise into two aspects: their living situation and the health issues arise from their living situation. This is divided into three major themes: The first, I was Hai-khau-lang; The second, shucks oyster workers will not rich; The third, shucks oyster workers`s body position. Hope this study can provide a different thinking perspective for public health nurses and community workers on cases with extraordinary life style and profession. We should understand the individual needs and health concerns before deciding medical treatment. Only by doing this, the most appropriate care can be given.


Dongshih Township oyster Lifestyle body position health


尹祚芊、黃璉華、張媚、左如梅、邱啟潤、蔡綺妮 (1996).社區衛
