  • 學位論文


The effect of acupressure in improving meridian energy, nausea and vomiting in lung cancer patients with chemotherapy

指導教授 : 楊麗玉


噁心、嘔吐是肺癌病人化學治療期間常見及困擾的副作用。本 研究目的旨在探討穴位指壓改善肺癌病人化學治療期間噁心嘔吐之成效,並進一步檢測肺癌病人之手厥陰心包經、足太陰脾經及平均經絡能量之變化。採雙組前後測之類實驗設計。實驗組於化學治療開始前30分鐘、治療當天晚餐前30分鐘及隔天早餐前30分鐘,分別於「內關穴」及「公孫穴」給予穴位指壓,各穴位每次指壓時間為6分鐘。對照組則於相同的時間點,於非噁心嘔吐的經絡─「後溪穴」上給予穴位貼片,介入措施每次時間同樣為12分鐘。研究工具有Morrow噁心嘔吐量表及經絡能量分析儀。描述性研究資料以百分比、平均值、標準差呈現,推論性統計用卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、多變量變異數及皮爾森積差相關分析。 本研究結果發現,穴位指壓能有效改善病人噁心(p=<.0001)及嘔吐(p=.019)的程度,同時經穴位指壓介入後,能顯著增加其左手厥陰心包經絡能量(F=7.48, p=<.0001)、右手厥陰心包經絡能量(F=11.13, p=<.0001)、左足太陰脾經絡能量(F=3.51, p=.020)、右足太陰脾經絡能量(F=3.18, p=.030)及平均經絡能量(F=28.71, p=<.0001)。此結果將可提供未來臨床發展化學治療噁心嘔吐照護的參考依據,並可將本研究所證實的穴位指壓方案納入化學治療肺癌病人照護流程的一部份。


Nausea and vomiting are common and disturbing side effects among lung cancer patients during the period of chemotherapy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an acupressure program for lung cancer patients with chemotherapy in patients’ nausea, vomiting, pericardium meridian, spleen meridian and average meridian energy. A quasi-experimental pre-posttest with comparison group design was used. Patients in the experimental group received 12 minutes acupressure at acupoints Neiguan and Gongsun 30 minutes before chemotherapy, dinner and breakfast. The control group patients received 12 minutes acupoint paster at Houxi 30 minutes before chemotherapy, dinner and breakfast. Three instruments were utilized to collect the date: the Demographic Inventory, Morrow Assessment of Nausea and Emesis scale, and Ryodraku Energy Analyzer. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-Square, Independent-Sample t test, Multivariate analysis of variance and Pearson’s product-moment correlation. Results showed significantly decreased nausea (p=<.0001) and vomiting (p=.019) in lung cancer patients receiving the acupressure program. There were significant increases in left pericardium meridian (F=7.48, p=<.0001), right pericardium meridian (F=11.13, p=<.0001), left spleen meridian (F=3.51, p=.020), right spleen meridian (F=3.18, p=.030), and average meridian energy (F=28.71, p=<.0001) after acupressure. The finding may be useful as a reference in developing chemotherapy related nausea and vomiting care. In addition, the acupressure protocol could be an integral part of future nursing intervention for lung cancer patients with chemotherapy.


