  • 學位論文


The effect of emotion beliefs on psychological outcomes: the mediation role of emotion regulation

指導教授 : 謝碧玲


過去許多研究皆指出個體的情緒調節策略對其心理健康及心理 疾病的影響,但對於情緒信念於情緒處理歷程中所扮演的角色則較 少被提及,目前也缺乏對於情緒信念、情緒調節策略、心理適應三 者間關係的實徵研究。本研究旨在發展一量表以評估個體之情緒信 念,首先對此量表進行信效度檢驗,接著探討個體之情緒信念是否 會影響其心理適應,並進一步釐清情緒信念如何透過情緒調節能力 而影響心理適應,以利未來研究與臨床工作的進行。 研究對象為一般民眾共 152 人(女性 110 人,男性 42 人),為南 部某大學學生之朋友或家屬,於知情同意後填寫基本資料及相關問 卷包括情緒信念量表、情緒調節策略量表、生活滿意度量表、快樂 量表、正負向情緒量表、貝克憂鬱量表、貝克焦慮量表。情緒信念 量表旨在評估個體對情緒之信念,共分為十二個向度,情緒調節策 略量表則用以評估個體在遭遇壓力時的情緒處理方式,而生活滿意 度量表、快樂量表、正負向情緒量表、貝克憂鬱量表、貝克焦慮量 表則用以評估個體之正負向心理適應結果。 信效度分析結果指出情緒信念量表中有四個向度內部一致性較 低,經刪減題項後餘下內部一致性較佳的八個向度,進行後續統計 檢驗,皆具備良好之建構效度、效標關聯效度。 而研究結果指出情緒信念與情緒調節和心理適應兩者皆呈現顯 著相關,進一步將情緒信念區分為正負向情緒信念兩條路徑,分別 與正負向情緒調節策略、正負向心理適應進行路徑分析,發現情緒 調節策略在情緒信念和心理適應之間扮演中介的角色,其中正向情 緒調節策略中的「發展新觀點」具完全中介之效果, 「增加正向情 緒」為部分中介效果;而非適應性情緒調節策略如「失能調節」、 「宣洩」、「控制」則為部分中介效果,意即正向情緒信念將透過發 展新觀點而增加正向心理適應,而負向情緒信念則會部分強化非適 應性的情緒調節策略,進而導向負向適應。 整體研究結果顯示情緒信念量表具有初步信效度,個體之情緒 信念與其所採用的情緒調節策略和心理適應呈高度相關,且情緒信 念能夠透過情緒調節策略而影響個體的心理適應。


People differ in their beliefs and emotional processing about emotions. Although current findings highlight the importance of various emotional regulation strategies and their psychological adjustment, little is known about the effect of emotion beliefs and its relationship with emotional regulation strategies and psychological outcomes. The current study aimed to develop a psychometrically sound questionnaire to measure the beliefs about emotion and to investigate the associations between emotion beliefs and various aspects of emotion regulation and psychological outcomes in a non‐clinical sample of 152 participant. This questionnaire is consist of 12 subscales, 8 of them had moderate to high internal consistency reliability, construct validity and criterion-related validity and showed some promising psychometric properties. Furthermore, we explored the role of emotion beliefs through emotion processing and found out that positive emotion beliefs were related to life satisfaction, happiness and positive emotions via positive emotion regulation strategies as “cognitive reappraisal”; and negative emotion beliefs were related to aspects of emotion dysregulation including depression, anxiety and negative emotions, and were partially mediated by dysfunctional emotion regulation strategies. These results suggest people’s emotion beliefs may predispose them toward emotion regulation strategies that have important consequences for psychopathology and psychological adaption, and beliefs about emotion may be a useful target for treatment for people with emotion regulation difficulties, this could be achieved through the use of various therapeutic modalities.


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