  • 學位論文


When national policy meets condoms : A gender analysis

指導教授 : 成令方


本論文以「衛生套」、「節育套」及「保險套」三個名詞為導引,探討這三個名詞代表的科技物與台灣國家政策之間的關係。保險套在臺灣社會一直與國家政策相關,從家庭計畫、性病防治與愛滋防治,因此保險套議題顯得重要。 本研究利用「聯合資料庫」中的聯合報、經濟日報及民生報做為主要的資料取得來源,並藉由過去學者研究的資料、政府出版刊物及訪談資料佐證其論點。探討國家以及眾多推廣的行動者在詮釋「衛生套」、「節育套」及「保險套」的使用目的、預設主體、保險套類型以及如何取得等,試圖拼湊出「衛生套」、「節育套」及「保險套」在國家政策下的生命史以及隱藏在其中的性別關係。 研究發現「衛生套」、「節育套」及「保險套」三者名詞在不同歷史脈絡下有著不同的意涵。從軍隊中預防性病到人口節育下的「家庭計畫」,而後性的多元化,「保險套」不再只是過去避孕及預防性病的意涵,也開始有情趣的意涵。 首先,看到了保險套坎坷的一生。保險套曾經是已婚婦女使用所有避孕器材的第二名,但在國家政策下被邊緣化。而後在民間商業以及部份衛生單位的合作下打通了保險套通路,並且因愛滋,與性相關的保險套規範因此得到鬆綁。 其次,「衛生套」、「節育套」及「保險套」的使用規範在台灣社會中,不同歷史脈絡下也建構著性。不管是「衛生套」還是「節育套」都建構異性戀的性,它們所預設的使用對象都是婚姻內。從「節育套」的推廣過程中更是看到,它建構性等同於生殖的觀念。社會變遷使得民間的性活動增加,保險套的意涵包括了預防性病、避孕以及情趣。民間性活動的增加下,性道德與性批判的論述也在學術圈、醫療界、民間組織、不同政府機關的角力下運行。說明了台灣歷史脈絡下「衛生套」、「節育套」及「保險套」名詞意涵、科技物的轉變與性的變化。


保險套 性病 避孕 愛滋病 性別


Condoms are referred to three terms in Taiwan which represent different meaning. The purpose of this research is to explore the implications between these three terms and national policy in Taiwan. The importance of condoms has increasing significantly due to condom issues have been associated with the national policy, from family planning, STD Prevention and AIDS prevention. This investigation utilized UDN news database as the main source to obtain the relevant information of Condoms. Also collected the previous work identified by scholars, the government publications in public libraries in Taiwan, ACI Database and Citation Index to support of its argument. The discussion on the interpretations of its purpose, default type, condom types etc by government and social activists which attempt to gain insights of condom history in national policies and sexual correlation hidden in policies. This study revealed that these three terms have disparate meaning in different historical contexts. From prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in the army to birth control then of sexual diversification, "condom" is no longer associated to contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. The social regulation of condom has constructed sexual relation in Taiwan society from historical context perspective. Whether it is a "health units" or "birth control sets" also refer to heterosexual sex. From the process of popularization of birth control sets, its sexual relations is equivalent to the concept of reproduction. Sexual behavior has been changing in our society. Nowadays, Condoms represent not only the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, contraception but also sexual fun which explain the migration of sexual attitude and behavior. Condom was the second choice in married women who use for contraception. But it was marginalized by the national policy. And then gained the access by the collaboration with commercial activities and government health authorities. Also the utilization of condoms has been deregulated to the relevant authorities.


condom STD contraception AIDS gender


Viravaidya Mechai. (2010年9月),《保險套先生如何讓泰國變得更好》,2014年6月17日 擷取自 TEDxChange: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-tw/mechai_viravaidya_how_mr_condom_made_thailand_a_better_place.html。
