  • 學位論文


The Effects of an Interactive Computer Game in Improving the Visual Perceptual Deficits for Children with Developmental Disorders

指導教授 : 吳汶蘭


視知覺缺陷問題會對兒童日常生活、學業表現、及學校功能等造成負面影響,傳統視覺動作整合訓練方式因受限其訓練模式而缺少延展性,對於訓練效果及病童的參與感皆相當有限,因此,本研究的目的在探討以互動數位遊戲介入視知覺訓練之效益,並以腦波驗證數位遊戲治療是否能改善發展障礙兒童的視覺注意力,再以視知覺(TVPS-3)量表和互動式數位遊戲測試評估整體能力的改進,另將進行滿意度調查來探討互動式數位遊戲輔助系統對臨床復健治療之實用性。期許以此協助臨床專業人員對於發展障礙兒童之介入。 本研究收案對象為被診斷患有發展障礙之視知覺缺陷4-10歲兒童共23位,分為實驗組12位(互動數位遊戲+傳統復健課程)和控制組11位(傳統復健課程),傳統復健課程每週一次,每次30分,共持續四週,實驗組將於課後額外接受30分鐘互動數位遊戲課程。採用前測-後測實驗設計。研究結果顯示,實驗組在前後測視知覺測驗整體表現進步幅度較控制組大,而在腦波測驗中,P300在額葉皮質(FZ)潛伏期顯著變短、PZ電位振幅變大趨勢、反應時間顯著縮短,這證明數位遊戲能使兒童將更多的視覺注意力投入其中。並在有效提示下,執行能力漸入成熟,反應時間縮短。滿意度調查表結果顯示填答內部一致性信度很高,且家長與治療師對於此互動式數位遊戲輔助系統具有高滿意度。 本研究得到結論:(1)互動式數位遊戲輔助系統適合應用於復健醫療領域,並具有正面效益。(2)從大腦相關事件電位(ERPs)證明數位遊戲能使兒童將更多的視覺注意力投入其中,反應時間跟著縮短。


Visual Perceptual Deficits could hinder children’s ability to develop their independence in activities of daily living, academic performance, and participation in school activities for children. However, the traditional visual perception training programs have less effect due to their limited scenario and lack of flexibility. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a new Visual-Perceptual Integration training program by using an interactive computer game for children with developmental disorders. We expect this training program can improve the performance of activities of visual attention and visual-perceptual for children with developmental disorders. The study use Visual-Perceptual Integration training program as a therapeutic tool for children with developmental disorders and verify their improvement in visual attention and visual-perceptual integration abilities. Pre- and post-test measures of electroencephalography (EEG) will be taken for quantifying the visual perception skills. The Test of Visual Perception Skills , third edition, and Interactive Computer Game test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. In addition, the questionnaire was collected from therapist and subjects of family members to discuss the satisfaction of a game-based training auxiliary system for children with Visual Perceptual Deficits. A total of 23 children diagnosed with Visual Perceptual Deficits were recruided in this study. Experimental group received the Interactive Computer Game+traditional rehabilitation programs (N=12 ); control group received only the traditional rehabilitation programs (N=11). 30 minutes rehabilitation training sessions were conducted once a week for 4 weeks. The experimental group received an additional 30-minute interactive digital game course after rehabilitation class.This study employed a pretest–posttest control group of true experimental design.The results showed that the overall Visual Perception Skills score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. Event-related potential (ERPs) showed significant differences in P300 in the FZ with a shortened latency, PZ amplitudes became larger, and reaction time is shortened. This proves that digital games can make children more visual attention into them. The results of the satisfaction questionnaire show that the internal consistency is high, and parents and therapists have high satisfaction with this interactive digital game support system. This study concludes: (1) Interactive Computer Game is suitable for use in rehabilitation, and has a positive effect. (2) Event-related potentials (ERPs) demonstrate that digital games can enhance visual attention and shorten response times.


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