  • 學位論文


A Primary Research of Choreography Teaching Strategy-- Take TNUA's Dance School As an Example

指導教授 : 王雲幼


中 文 摘 要 舞蹈技巧課程通常有著制式與明確階段性的教學內容,其教學方式大多由教師示範,學生模仿與練習。然而,舞蹈編創的學習不能單靠練習與模仿,需要多方面的刺激與學習,以及與生俱來的天賦等條件。「舞蹈編創能否傳授?」長久以來是個爭議性的問題,該如何執行舞創教學,常有不同的看法存在。 本研究採質性研究的方式,探討舞蹈編創教學策略。藉由文獻探討,了解舞蹈編創知識的本質,舞蹈編創教學內容與可行性,藝術教育思潮如何影響舞創教師的教學,以及舞創教學策略的實質內涵。以半結構式訪談和參與觀察舞創課程,為舞創課程提供實際的描述。並以國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈學院,為主要的研究場域,因為學院的三位舞創授課教師持續舞蹈編創與舞創教學,不啻為本研究的理想研究對象。研究者希冀從文獻探討、教師訪談和參與觀察三方面,深入地探究舞蹈編創教學策略。 本研究結論如下:(一)從三位舞創教師的學習歷程,發現藝術教育思潮的滲透,並受過往教師的潛移默化,形塑三位舞創教師的舞創教學風格。(二)透過文獻分析,探究舞蹈編創知識中,有關技藝智慧與實踐智慧的舞創知識,歸納出可傳授的舞創教學內容。(三)從教學理論與教學光譜角度探究舞創教學策略,以引導取代直接指導的舞創教學,主要以真實與實作評量為主要的評量方式。


Abstract Unlike dance technique class, where students imitate the teacher’s movements and follow structured classroom patterns, the study of choreography takes a different approach. Choreography students are required to respond to creative stimuli and pull from various imaginative methodologies. Additionally, natural artistic proclivity might play a part in cultivating a “successful” choreography student. Often, the question “can choreography be taught?” is discussed within academia and thus raises controversial and heated debates. This research focuses on the teaching strategy of choreography in a qualitative way. It is conducted through the related theory of the choreographic; the feasibility of the content of choreographic teaching; the philosophies of arts education; and the teaching strategies of choreography instructors. Additionally, I utilized both semi-structured interviews with three selected teachers and participant observation. The Taipei National University of the Arts Department of Dance was the primary research site from which three professors, still involved in the field, were selected. It was my aim to discover the teaching strategies of choreography instructors through three aspects: the related dance theory, semi-structured interviews and in-class observations. The findings of the research are as follows: (a) The theories of arts education are intertwined within teachers’ learning experiences with former teachers affecting their teaching style profoundly; (b) through the choreography theory researched, a clear and teachable choreographic teaching content could be divided into teche and phronesis, and also in terms of practical knowledge both of were utilized in the choreography teaching analyzed; and (c) from the viewpoint of teaching theories, the best methodology of choreographic teaching is through guiding rather than instructing students. Moreover, the assessments and grading in choreography coursework should be the result of the final performance as well as the process throughout the making of choreography, placing emphasis on the progression of the student rather than on the final product of their work.




林千鈺(2016)。編舞者、舞者與舞蹈的生成:以臺灣Meimage Dance與雲門舞集的比較為例之初探〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0014-2002201622375900
