  • 學位論文

臺北市立國樂團的跨界音樂風格 —以2008∼2012年臺北市傳統藝術季曲目為例

The Study for the TCO's Crossover cultural Musical Style ─2008∼2012 Taipei Traditional Arts Festival program as example

指導教授 : 吳榮順


近十多年來,臺灣藝術界中興起一陣「跨界」的旋風,這股旋風同樣也吹到了國樂界,其中包括了具國樂領航者角色的臺北市立國樂團。臺北市立國樂團 是臺灣最早由政府成立的國樂團,更是現今數一數二的國樂團;它代表著臺灣數十年的國樂發展,更引領著臺灣現代國樂未來的方向。自1988年起,北市國每年策畫承辦臺北市傳統藝術季 ,從每年的節目安排中,我們不難察覺現代國樂在臺灣的演進與發展,以及臺灣傳統藝術的傳承與創新。2008年起,在現任團長鍾燿光的帶領下,北市國試圖策畫更多元、更豐富的國際性合作,讓北市國能躋身國際舞台,而每年傳藝季也因此換上不同於以往的風貌。在兩個多月的節目策劃與曲目設計中,更到處可見「跨界」的蹤跡。 到底什麼是「跨界」?國樂跟跨界如何關聯?兩者之間又該如何連結、呈現?跨界後的音樂又該如何詮釋?這些都將是本論文探討的重點。文中筆者將透過對2008∼2012年北市國傳藝季的節目策劃與樂曲進行分析,試圖找出國樂跨界音樂常見的類型及特色,進而了解北市國的跨界音樂風格,並針對目前現況進行反思,以期提供國樂跨界一個更明確、具體的方向。


In recent years, crossover music has become popular among Taiwan's artistic circle. This new interest has influenced Chinese Orchestra including the renowned Taipei Chinese Orchestra (TCO). TCO is the oldest professional Chinese Orchestra formed by Taiwan government. TCO was developed in the last several decades and has lead the Taiwan contemporary Chinese Orchestra into the future. Since 1988, the Taipei City government has coordinated the Taipei Traditional Arts Festival each year. We can easily observe Taiwan contemporary Chinese Orchestra evolution and Taiwan Traditional Art heritage and innovation annually at the festival program. Since 2008, under the leader of Director General Yiu-Kwong Chung, TCO has become more diversified and become more internationally known. Each year Taipei Traditional Arts Festival uses a different theme from the one used in the previous year to provide variety and to introduce something new. During the two month festival, you will find crossover music's footprint through program design and song list planning. What is “Crossover”? What does “Crossover” mean? And what is the connection between Chinese Orchestra and Crossover? How can we connect Crossover with Chinese Orchestra? In this thesis, we will observe from 2008∼2012 Taipei Traditional Arts Festival program contents. We will use festival program coordination and song list arrangement to find the most common Chinese Orchestra crossover music type; moreover to understand Taipei Chinese Orchestra crossover musical style.


陳俊吉(2002),《台灣國樂發展初期作品的分析(1949 ~1970年國樂作品的探討)》。碩士論文,臺北:國立臺灣師範大學音樂研究所。
