  • 學位論文


Beyond the Spectacle:The Study of Local Arts Festivals in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳其南 蘇昭英


本研究以文化藝術節政策思維及作為為主軸,試圖將當代臺灣地方文化藝術節的形貌做一較為整體性的概括描述與分析,關照其在全球化脈動與文化消費時代下與政府角色、地方認同、文化內涵之間的互動情形,以期在面對當代社會以及文化現象的矛盾與衝突中,找出藝術行政管理者的位置與努力的方向。 縣市主辦的地方文化藝術節,反映文化政策核心從中央轉移到地方的時代趨勢,現在更已成為各地方標誌自我特色,並與其他地方區隔、競爭的方式之一。尤其節慶本身所具備的大眾參與的特質,作為一種內在的誘因,在文化藝術與經濟、區域發展的關係被更加重視之後,突顯出在政策目標與預期效益導向之下,各自選擇發展特定的文化藝術內涵,並運用各異的藝術節形式與操作策略呈現的結果。同時,包括中央與地方政策、績效檢驗、公部門體制規範等等因素亦不同程度的影響各地方文化藝術節眾多紛雜的面貌,呈現了各地方對多元的美學價值的詮釋與認同,並且也更深刻體現了政府辦理之地方文化藝術節在文化藝術、政治、大眾社會三者中平衡的重要性。 作為文化政策施行項目的一環,文化藝術節具有節慶重要的「大眾性」、「集體性」、走入人群的特質,因此也比其他的藝術形式更接近民眾。試著理解文化藝術節與大眾文化的關係,在必須適應不斷變化的大眾品味與強調接受者的積極同意之上,應避免迷失於媚俗、商業化與菁英藝術之間。而將其意義置放於作為精緻藝術與通俗文化之間的融合,破除藝術階級再複製的藩籬,以及培養藝術欣賞人口底基的重要功能,這亦是地方文化藝術節在文化政策中的特殊性與重要價值所在。 地方文化藝術節作為形塑地方集體記憶的策略與方法,地方政府除了傾聽大眾的聲音以外,更積極的意義在於建立文化價值、促進地方認同。節慶透過社群協力作為平台,將有助於文化藝術與地方民眾溝通、交流的深度。即使所有公私部門的參與者都十分重要,然而在此當中具備行政文化化之彈性思維的文化行政工作者則扮演了重要的角色,以啟動並連結公、私部門社群協力的聯動能量。


The focus of this study is the theory and implementation of government policies directed at arts and culture festivals in Taiwan. The study aims to describe and analyze the general features of these festivals in a more comprehensive fashion, including the interaction among governmental role, local identity and cultural implications within the current context of cultural consumption and globalization. The intended goal is to locate the position and direction of arts administrators as they are confronted with contradictions between contemporary society and cultural phenomenon. Sponsorship of arts and culture festivals at the city and county levels reflects the current trend of shifting the locus of policy making from central to local authorities. Local arts and cultural programming, as a means of regional self differentiation and competition, has already helped to form distinct regional identities in Taiwan. This is especially so for festivals that draw large crowds and serve as an important source of tourist traffic for an area. After the role of the arts became more significant in economic and regional development, specific cultural implications were developed and different festival formats and operational strategies appeared under the guidance of government policy goals and their anticipated benefits. At the same time, factors such as policy, performance testing and public institutional standards, on both central and local government levels, have influenced numerous features of local festivals to different degrees, presenting multiple interpretations of and identifications with aesthetic value. This even more deeply demonstrates the importance of balancing culture, politics and society when governments manage local arts and culture festivals. An aspect of implementing cultural policy is an awareness of the celebratory importance of arts and culture festivals and the unique quality of public events: because of the collective, mass nature of these festivals, policy must take into consideration the fact that their access to society is greater than other art forms. This study attempts to understand the connection between cultural festivals and mass culture by exploring the necessity of adapting to changing public taste while seeking the active consent of the audience, and avoiding kitsch, commercialism and elitism. The unique importance and value of government policy directed at arts and culture festivals lies in: locating a position which mixes high art and popular culture; mitigating the class elitism that art reproduces; and cultivating the important function of basic art appreciation within the population. Local arts and culture festivals are a way of molding collective memory at a regional level. Aside from listening to the voice of the people, the active significance of local government lies in establishing cultural value and promoting local identity. Through united community efforts, festivals are platforms for promoting deeper links and exchanges between the public and the arts. While the participation of both private and public sectors is of absolute importance, cultural administrators who carry out their duties with flexible thinking also play an important role by initiating and linking the capacities of public and private community efforts.


2002, ‘The Art of Rent: Globalization, Monopoly and the Commodification of culture’.〈地租的藝術:全球化、壟斷與文化的商品化〉,王志弘譯,2003,


