  • 學位論文


The Audience Development of College Students: A Case Study of The Non-Visitors of The National 228 Memorial Museum

指導教授 : 陳佳利


紀念館作為展示、收藏、研究的機構,也肩負歷史教育、紀念受難者及人權教育推廣的功能。二二八國家紀念館承載著受難者家屬及社會各界的期待而成立,而自2011年正式開館營運至今,除了偶而預約參觀的公務團體及受難家屬的關注外,能見度與民眾參與程度仍不如預期,為何有如此現象?尤其擁有地利之便、並具備一定先備知識,於台北市就讀的大學生們,為何不參觀紀念館?非觀眾被視為「潛在的新觀眾」,探究誰是潛在觀眾、如何和他們接觸,了解他們對博物館有何期待與需求,有助於紀念館發展觀眾計畫。   本研究以博物館非觀眾為探究焦點,研究對象為「從未參觀過」二二八國家紀念館的大學生,並以台北市區的兩所大學為研究範圍,主要目的在於了解大學生的博物館經驗、影響他們不參觀紀念館的原因,以及對於紀念館期待與建議。透過焦點團體之前導研究發現,受訪者大多認為展示主題及內容與日常生活、個人經驗無關,而且空間氣氛沉重加上缺乏宣傳與教育推廣活動,使他們缺乏參觀動機。學校教育內容與二二八和平紀念日當天的媒體作為,也影響大學生對於二二八事件之紀念性與看法,部分受訪者更顯示有逃避自己民族之歷史的現象。而從量化問卷調查之結果發現,參觀意願受到學科背景、過去相關展覽參觀經驗及家庭背景影響。人文社會學科背景的學生較其他學科背景對參觀二二八國家紀念館的參觀意願高,且對二二八事件的認知與紀念性認同度較高,而沒有參觀意願的大學生主要因為不瞭解二二八事件被紀念的意義、對相關議題沒有興趣,甚至認為相關議題已流於政治操弄、造成族群對立。   研究建議除了增加當代議題與生活連結外,與學校通識課程結合也可引發興趣。紀念館除需加強宣傳與教育推廣活動外,也應於二二八和平紀念日,提供各種媒體深入的研究與口述歷史等素材,以增加新聞議題深度並使民眾瞭解其紀念性、加強轉型正義課題之介紹與反思,以多元角度及不同觀點呈現二二八事件。


Being institutions that exhibit, collect and research, Memorial Museumsalso have the responsibility to commemorate the victims and carry out history and human rights education. The National 228 Memorial Museum was established to manage the expectations of the victims’ families and the society; however, since its opening in 2011, except for occasional appointment visits by groups of civil servants or victims’ families, the visibility and public participation fall short from expectation. What is the reason to this situation? In particular, why do college students studying in Taipei, with geographic proximity and prior knowledge, feel relent to visit? To museums, non-visitors are considered "potential new audiences"; and by understanding whom the potential audiences are, how to contact them, and what expectations they have for the museum, is beneficial in forming visitor development plans.   The research focus of this study are museum non-visitors-students, by examining the college students of Taipei downtown area who have “never visited” the National 228 Memorial Museum. This study aims to understand the museum experience of college students, the reasons for their reluctance to visit memorial museums, as well as the imagination and expectations for memorial museums. From the results of focus group interviews, most respondents think that the themes and the content of the exhibition are irrelevant to their personal experiences and everyday life. In addition, gloomy atmosphere and insufficiency of publicity and educational activities also contribute to the lack of visiting motivation. School education and the media report on the 228 anniversary day may affect college students. In addition, some respondents showed an attitude to escape history of their own nation. From the results of questionnaire survey, factors affecting willingness to visit including to the different academic backgrounds, past museum experience and family backgrounds. Those college students who would not like to visit the National 228 Memorial Museum think they do not understand why the 228 incident was memorial significance and think the discussion of it might cause the ethnic conflicts.   This study suggests that in addition to increasing exhibition topics linking with contemporary issues and strengthening publicity and educational programs, the museum should provide material of research and oral history for the media coverage as well as introduce and reflection upon issues of transitional justice.


