  • 學位論文

DBAE觀念架構下的芭蕾教學行動研究- 以七年級表演藝術課程為例

Action Research on Ballet Curriculum under DBAE Framework: A Study for a Seventh-Grade Performing Arts Class.

指導教授 : 平珩


本文主旨為實施「以學科為基礎的藝術教育」(Discipline-Based Art Education,簡稱DBAE)觀念架構下的芭蕾課程教育行動研究,研究者設計芭蕾課程運用於實際教學情境中,課程內容包含美學(Aesthetics)、歷史(History)、評論(Criticism)、以及製作(Production)四大面向,為因應教學場域為九年一貫藝術與人文中的表演藝術課程,課程同時考量『藝術與人文』三大主軸目標─探索與表現、審美與理解、實踐與應用來設計。研究者身為教學者,深入教學實務現場,對教學情境所遭遇的問題加以探究,以求立即改進,達到解決問題、改善教學,進而增進教師專業發展之目標。本行動研究之目的有三: 一、運用DBAE觀念進行以《天鵝湖》為主軸的芭蕾課程教學,增進學生對於芭蕾歷史、美學、評論之認識與身體實作之能力。 二、檢視以DBAE為課程架構的芭蕾課程,其設計與實施所面臨的問題並尋求解決方式。 三、透過行動研究提升教師專業發展之能力。 本研究主要透過行動研究法進行文獻整理,彙整DBAE的沿革與發展、九年一貫藝術與人文課程以及分析《天鵝湖》課程發展優勢,以作為本研究課程架構。在《天鵝湖》芭蕾教學實施歷程,加入研究諍友觀察、專家觀察、學習單回饋及教學日誌,來檢視自身實際教學歷程。最後,筆者針對研究所得,進行發現與檢討,分別提出研究者教學表現改進之方式,以協助對研究者自我省思與專業成長,根據研究結果提出對表演教師、藝術與人文教師的建議,並提供對未來研究方向之具體建議。


The purpose of this action research is to deliver a ballet course based on the concept of Discipline-Based Art Education (DBAE). The investigator designed a ballet course according to the actual teaching scenarios that includes four major sectors in aesthetics, history, criticism and production. Because the ballet course was designed for Performing Arts program within Arts and Humanity courses in the nine-year curriculum, the investigator has taken the three main goals of art and humanity, discovery and manifestation, aesthetics and comprehension, practice and applications, into consideration. The purpose of this research is to explore problems encountered at teaching; to find solutions for improving teaching and to enhance instructors’ professional development. The study has the following three objectives: 1. A ballet course based on Swan Lake was taken as the sample study. It is based on the DBAE concept to increase students’ knowledge about ballet in terms of the history, aesthetics, and criticism as well as to enhance their dance ability. 2. Using DBAE as the course structure, the investigator reviewed the course designed; studied problems encountered in teaching, and looked for corresponding solutions. 3. The method of Action Reach was used to improve the ability of the instructors’ professional development. The literature review of the study on DBAE evolvement and development; the art and humanity courses in nine-year curriculum and the development and the advantages of teaching Swan Lake, was done using the methodology of the Action Research. When teaching the Swan Lake ballet course, the investigator included the data of the observation from peer; provide the, questionnaire to students; and documented investigator’s log. Lastly, the investigator analyzed and reviewed the findings to propose suggestions in order to improve own teaching. The central idea is to help the investigator to look into the self-reflection and be able to see clearly of the future professional development in dance teaching. According to the results, the investigator is intended to offer suggestions for the fields of performance; for the art and humanity instructors as well as useful directions for future researchers in the field.


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