  • 學位論文


Study on Rock music in Taiwan – A Case Study of Music Works by Taiwanese Bands during 1990∼2005

指導教授 : 吳榮順


本研究以台灣搖滾樂的音樂分析為研究主軸,具體的音樂分析對象將以年代為區隔、單首歌曲為單位,並根據《台灣流行音樂200最佳專輯》(1975∼2005)一書選出1990∼2005間較具代表性的台灣樂團之作品,做為本研究主要的音樂分析之對象。   之所以將音樂分析聚焦於90年代之後的創作,並不表示台灣搖滾音樂從此開始,相反的本論文所認定的「搖滾音樂」早已出現在90年代之前的台灣流行音樂界的眾多創作中。然而,根據現有的相關文獻,我們很容易可以看出1990年代是台灣流行音樂的一大分界點。其原因可以從許多面向來觀察,常見的說法,便是以台灣當時的政治情況「解嚴」來解釋。自1987年解嚴後,台灣在語言、思想、創作等各方面都獲得更加自由的空間,也造就了90年代後流行音樂界多元發展的盛況,因此選擇此一年代之後的音樂創作做為主要的分析對象,可以說是有較多樣的範例(譜例)做為本研究立論的基礎。   當今國內對於台灣流行音樂或搖滾樂的學術研究,不乏從社會學、經濟學、政治學等面向切入探討,但是對其音樂本體的研究卻相當稀少,因此本文擬以台灣搖滾樂的音樂分析為研究的核心,並結合搖滾樂在台灣的發展史,來探討此樂種如何在台灣落地生根,然而相較於西方乃至世界的搖滾樂,台灣的搖滾音樂又有何特殊性?


This study centers on musical analysis of rock music in Taiwan. The specific subjects for musical analysis are divided by year and each single is seen as a unit. The main subjects for musical analysis in this study are the better-known works which created by Taiwanese bands from 1990 to 2005 selected from the book called Taiwan Popular Music — 200 Best Albums (1975∼2005).   The reason why this study focuses on analyzing the music works composed after the 1990s is not represent that rock music started during this decade in Taiwan. This study, on the contrary, considers “rock music” defined by this research appeared in many Taiwan popular music creations before the 1990s. However, based on the existing relevant literature, it is easily noticed that the 1990s mark a significant watershed in Taiwan popular music. There are many perspectives observed in this and the most commonly seen factor is that Taiwan was then politically “liberated”. Since Martial Law was lifted in 1987, there has been more freedom in language, threads of thought and artwork creations in Taiwan. Such a freedom also led to the diversified developments in the popular music industry after the 1990s. Therefore, the music works composed after this era are selected as the main analysis subjects and it could be said that there are more samples (of musical notation) served as the basis for the views presented in this study.   Currently, there is abundance of academic studies on Taiwan popular music or rock music from the perspective of sociology, economics and politics all over the island; nevertheless, there is very little research on the music itself. Hence, this study aims for musical analysis on Taiwan rock music as the research focus and integrates the development history of rock music in Taiwan to discuss how this music genre was rooted on this island. Furthermore, what’s the specialty of rock music in Taiwan compared to that in the West and the world?


Andy Bennett著,孫憶南譯
    2012,《流行音樂的文化》(Cultures of popular music),台北市: 書林出
John F. Szwed著,陳志宇譯
John Blacking著,馬英珺譯
Palmer Robert著,蔡明錕、文鎧威譯


