  • 學位論文


A Study of the Court Eviction Order on the Foreclosure

指導教授 : 吳彩珠


本研究旨在法拍不動產點交與否之探討。當投資人得標不動產標的物,在漫長等待不動產交付前,即是本文所討論的點交,拍定人要向法院聲請點交,以合法程序取得占有,且點交過程中雖取得標的物所有權,但仍須花勞力、物力、時間去與債務人或占有人周旋,甚至可能因債務人或第三人占有變成不點交。 倘拍賣後不點交,拍定人必須另行興訟,取得勝訴後再聲請點交,都會產生財務、道德、勞力等交易上成本。法拍不動產之不點交,其進入門檻與障礙程較高。然拍賣與點交乃屬不同程序,點交與否係強制執行中另一執行名義;終其結果,不論法院或債務人,均負有將拍定之不動產交付拍定人義務,使拍定人獲得買受人之利益,始符交易公平之理念。 本論文主軸討論法拍不動產點交與否之法學論述,除從不動產之法律面及法拍實務面,分別作投資風險分析外,更擬定各種樣態、風險與解決對策建議,供投資者作原則性之參考。又進一步列舉不點交法拍不動產在執行個案常見樣態之案例,做風險分析、判定,最後列舉不同投資類型,就具體投資案例經驗,針對點交類型、拍賣價格、投標前之準備、研判風險、拍定前後可能發生之風險狀況、及處理作深入之探討,俾供投資決策之參考。


法拍不動產 拍賣 點交 不點交


The purpose of this paper is to study the court eviction Order on the foreclosure.The delivery from investor gets the bid to own the real estate is what we call “handover”in this paper.The one who gets the bid can apply for the havdover to the court and obtain possession of a legitimate program. But the bidder still has to spend labor、material and time to deal with the debtor or person in possession. Sometimes the handover case becomes difficult non-handover case due to the debtor or a third person in possession. If it’s a non-handover case, the bidder must file a lawsuit, after win and then apply for handover. It spends transaction costs on financial、moral、labor and so on. There are many obstacles to get into the non-handover foreclosure market, auction and handover belong to different proceeds. But in the end, the court or debtor has the duty to deliver the real estate to the bidder to accord with the fair trade concept. The study spindle is the law discourse on foreclosure real estate handover or non-handover. Except to shoot from the legal and practice of real estate, also draft variefy risk and countermeasure suggestions for investing reference. Further citing common cases on non-handover real estate foreclosure for risk analysis and judgment. Providing specific cases for investing reference. The paper might provide readers the theoretical framework understanding and expecting to gain the profit by effectively controlling the variety risks in handover or non-handover. Finally, citing different types of investments according to the case experiences on handover types 、 auction price 、 preparations before foreclosure、risks and procession as described. Providing readers to share and serve as a specific reference investment.


問題研究季刊,第三卷, 第三期,頁124-35。
