  • 學位論文


Development and Psychometric Testing of a measure instrument for role competency of nursing preceptor

指導教授 : 陳彩鳳


本研究目的為發展「護理臨床教師角色能力量表」並測試其信效度。以訪談護理臨床教師、受指導之新進護理人員及護理長,經內容分析及文獻查證,形成76題之題庫,以個別題項具專家內容效度CVI0.8以上為選題依據,檢視後,刪成41題。採立意取樣,以247份預試樣本進行項目分析,包括平均數、標準差、偏態、峰度、檢核同質性、極端組及因素負荷量,刪減因素高重疊題項後,保留23題,並以探索性因素分析,萃取四個因素,命名為「維護安全」、「實務教學」、「促使社會化」及「多元評值」,總解釋變異量為71.59%。全量表之Cronbach’s α為0.97,各分量表分別為0.90、0.94、0.92及0.94,兩週後之再測信度為0.8。 正式施測以380份樣本,進行驗證性因素分析,結果如下: 效度檢定方面:絕對適配指標χ2/df值2.67, GFI 0.87、 AGFI 0.84,RMR 0.02 , RMSEA 0.06;相對適配指標CFI、NFI、IFI、RFI、TLI值皆大於0.9,簡約適配指標PCFI 0.83、PNFI 0.81,CN值380,皆符合門檻值。聚合效度方面:個別題項之因素係數介於0.72∼0.88之間,達到統計的顯著水準(p<0.05)。區別效度方面:各個構面之AVE值開根號皆高於該構面與其它構面的相關係數。信度檢定結果:個別題項信度介於0.52∼0.77之間,;各個構面的組成信度介於0.87∼0.92 之間, AVE數值介於0.59∼0.69之間,皆符合統計檢定標準。由上述發展步驟及檢定結果可見,護理臨床教師角色能力量表發展過程嚴謹,具有良好之信效度,為一簡短且易於施測之工具。


The goal of this research is to develop the measure instrument for role competency of nursing preceptors and assess its reliability and validity. We interviewed nursing preceptors, new staff nurses, and head nurses and developed 76 stock questions by content analysis and meta-analysis. The chosen questions were based on Content Validity Index of individual item which was over .8. After refinement, we further reduced the number of questions to 41. Adopting purposeful sampling, we collected a 247-person sample for the pilot test and item analysis, including mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, homogeneity reliability confficient, Critical ration, factor loading. After deleting the items with overlapping factors, we kept 23 questions. Exploratory factor analysis was then performed on the data. The analysis yielded a four-factor soluteion with an explained variance of 71.59%. The four factors were labeled “Maintaining Safety”, “Clinical Teaching”, “Facilitating Socialization”, and “Diversified Evaluation”. The Cronbach’s α of scale is 0.97 and four subscales were 0.90, 0.94, 0.92, 0.94. Test-retest reliability over a two-week period was 0.8. The other 380 people were collected as completed fomally sample, and given by the results from the confirmatory factor analysis as follows: For validity, the confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the absolute fit indices of the scale: χ2/df = 2.67, GFI = .87, AGFI = .84, RMR = .02, RMSEA = .06; the relative fit indices: CFI, NFI, IFI, RFI, TLI were all over.9; parsimonious fit indices: PCFI=.83, PNFI=.81, CN=380, which were above threshold value. For convergent validity, the coefficient of individual item was between 0.72 and 0.88 and reached statistically significant effect (p<0.0 5). For discriminant validity, the square root of each dimension’s AVE was higher than the correlation coefficient between the item dimension and other dimensions. For reliability, the individual item reliability was between .52 and .77; the composite reliability for the dimensions was between .87and .92; AVE score was between .59 and .69, which all meet requirement of statistical standard. Through the above process and examining of the scale, it was clear that the reliability and validity of role competency scale for nursing preceptors were confirmed and the scale is also a simple, yet efficient tool for measurements.




