  • 學位論文


A Study on Perception of Near-miss Reporting in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳振和


虛驚事件通報乃職災預防非常重要的工作,也是當前國內工安管理上亟待加強之一環,如何讓從業人員重視虛驚事件並主動通報,把通報虛驚事件系統轉成一個必要的程序,進而提升企業安全文化,可增進安全衛生管理效率,降低職災率。國外虛驚事件通報系統的運用已行之有年,鑑於國內外民情之差異,從業人員對於虛驚事件與意外事故的認知不盡相同,唯有對國內從業人員進行虛驚事件通報認知調查,並經由統計分析數據的結果,才能了解出國內從業人員對虛驚事件報告系統的想法。 本研究的目的在了解我國從業人員通報虛驚事件的現況,並調查從業人員對於本土化虛驚事件通報系統機制的認知程度;本研究採用問卷調查的方式,以石化業的從業人員為測試對象,問卷內容分為兩部份,第一部份為受測者之基本資料調查,第二部份為從業人員影響虛驚事件通報因素之調查。 結果顯示:(1)通報虛驚事件以書面報告最能接受,其次以口頭通報方式; (2)不通報虛驚事件的原因,以在安全系統上員工參與不足為最高,其次為怕會使他人受懲罰或處分、不確定如何判斷虛驚事件的定義與責任歸屬,所以宣導從業人員多參與有關安全衛生教育訓練,並公司內要採取”無責難”的安全文化,使從業人員能多通報虛驚事件的件數; (3)如何讓從業人員增加通報虛驚事件之動機,一般認為要以清楚地了解虛驚事件的定義之比例為最高,其次是要有明確地通報機制,使從業人員能增加通報虛驚事件的件數。 關鍵字:虛驚事件、虛驚事件通報、職災預防、虛驚通報系統


Near-miss reporting is a crucial element in safety management. How to make labors emphasize on near-miss event and actively report is an extremely important. Making near-miss reporting system turns to a necessary procedure and then becomes the security culture of the enterprise, and promotes the effect and expects to diminish the incidence in safety management. Due to the cultural differences, the labors’ perception on near-miss reporting in Taiwan is diverse, not to mention using the near-miss reporting system. The purpose of this study is to recognize the labors’ perception of near-miss reporting through survey. The questionnaire was distributed to the employees and contractors in the petrochemical industries. The content of questionnaire divides into two parts, basic information and the perception of near-miss reporting system by labors’ influence. Our result show: 1) The most popular near-miss reporting channel is in written form, the next one is in oral form. 2) The reasons for not reporting near-miss events are: afraid of punishment, not sure of the definition of near-miss and the accountability of near-miss reporting. 3) The most important issue to improve the motivation of near-miss reporting is to understand the definition of near-miss event. The next important issue to increase the near-miss reporting is to have a clear mechanism for near-miss reporting. These results show the importance to have right training and education program for accident prevention. Plus, an active near-miss reporting mechanism is necessary for Taiwanese culture. Keywords: near-miss, near-miss reporting, incident event, near-miss reporting system


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