  • 學位論文

烘焙業體驗行銷與品牌形象對消費者忠誠度 影響之研究-以馬可先生麵包坊為例

The Influence of the Experiential Marketing and Brand Image on Consumer Loyalty in Baking Industry: An Example of Mr. Mark Bakery Chain Stores

指導教授 : 李元墩


隨著全球化經濟浪潮席捲台灣, 近年來產品銷售市場形態轉換各式各樣的麵包店有如雨後春筍般不斷冒出,更以消費者需求為導向也同時創造許多新型態的行銷方式,如何創造滿足多數消費者滿意的商品已成為業者努力目標。其中,體驗行銷可提供消費者多重的購物感受也會提升產品的價值,而品牌形象也成了烘焙業者重要經營目標,有些業者強力宣傳是本土品牌、採用天然食材或是進口產品,都是為了要打造各家烘焙坊自己獨一無二的品牌形象。 此外,消費者的個人特質也會影響消費者忠誠度。因此,本研究欲分析烘焙業品牌形象與體驗行銷對消費者忠誠度影響的相關議題,作為烘焙業在營運時的參考依據。 本研究使用方便採樣問卷調查方法,共發出650 份問卷共回收507 份,有效回收率78%。採用SPSS 軟體進行百分比、平均數、標準差、t 檢定、ANOVA、回歸分析等方法進行數據分析及驗證,目的主要是探討烘焙業品牌形象與體驗行銷對消費者忠誠度的影響效果。研究結果顯示品牌形象與體驗行銷這兩個構念各自對消費者忠 誠度有著顯著的正向影響,品牌形象對體驗行銷具有顯著正向影響,經過驗證體驗行銷在品牌形象及消費者忠誠度間扮演部份中介的效果。此研究並可以提供烘焙業品牌形象與體驗行銷對消費者忠誠度影響之研究結論,以作為烘焙業因應消費者喜好變遷的參考,並可作為對烘焙業者經營競爭策略深入研究之基礎。本研究對後續 研究者建議為多種品牌烘焙業麵包店為研究對象進行研究,以取得更有推論性的研究結果。


The wave of global economy sweeping across Taiwan has various bakeries boom in the transformation of product sales markets. New-style consumer-oriented marketing is also created to satisfy more consumers.Creating satisfaction for consumers has become the objective of businesses. Experiential Marketing could provide consumers with multiple senses of purchase and enhance product value, while Brand Image becomes the key business objective for baking businesses. Some businesses strongly promote local brands, natural ingredients, or imported products to create the unique Brand Image. Moreover, personality traits of consumers could affect Consumer Loyalty. Consequently, this study tends to analyze the effects of Brand Image and Experiential Marketing on Consumer Loyalty in baking industry for the business reference. With convenience sampling, questionnaire survey is proceeded in this study. Total 650 copies of questionnaires are distributed and 507 copies are retrieved, with the effective returned rate 78%. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, and Regression Analysis are applied in SPSS for the analyses and testing, aiming to discuss the effects of Brand Image and Experiential Marketing on Consumer Loyalty in baking industry. The research results show the significantly positive effects of Brand Image and Experiential Marketing on Consumer Loyalty, the significantly positive effects of Brand Image on Experiential Marketing, and the mediating effects of Experiential Marketing between Brand Image and Consumer Loyalty. The research conclusions of the effects of Brand Image and Experiential Marketing on Consumer Loyalty in baking industry could be the reference for coping with consumer preference and in-depth research on competitive strategies. The further researchers are suggested to study bakeries of other brands for more deductive results.


簡健威(2012)。品牌形象對消費者購買意願之影響-以F 人壽股
