  • 學位論文

台灣直排輪曲棍球選手訓練成效之研究 -以 2010亞錦賽男子國家代表隊為例

The Research of Training Results of the Taiwan In-Line Roller Hockey Players – Using the 2010 Asian Championship Representative Team as an Example

指導教授 : 黃泰源
共同指導教授 : 吳柏翰


本研究之目的為12週之專項體能訓練,對台灣直排輪曲棍球選手訓練的成效。本研究是透過2010亞錦賽男子國家代表隊的16名選手為主要受試對象,2010亞錦賽國家男子代表隊,是經由全國排名賽暨國家代表隊選拔賽產生,年齡 18.6±4.6歲、身高170.8±6.6公分、體重68.6±12.3公斤、球齡 8.3±3.2年。 依據本研究之目的與教練團之期望目標,所共同制訂出為期 12週的國家代表隊集訓訓練計畫,其中包括了5週的一般體能訓練與7週的專項體能訓練,本研究的是以「大週期訓練計畫」為設計藍本,共分為「受試分析期」、「體能加強期」以及「專項準備期」三期。 本研究最大運動量血乳酸值統計分析階以 α=.05為顯著水準,以相依樣本 t檢定,實驗所得數據或受測結果,經訓練前後在最大運動量血乳酸值並無顯著之差異性 (t=-.729 p>0.05),訓練前後專項體能(行進間帶球過角標)受試結果,發現有顯著之差異性(t=5.4 p<0.05),另外訓練前後專項體能(折返跑後射門)受試結果,發現也有顯著之差異性(t=9.2 p<0.05),由上述可知專項體能訓練成效 是有顯著差異,可作為以後國家隊訓練項目之參考依據。


The purpose of this research is the effect of a 12 Week Physical Training on In-Line Roller Hockey players. The samples are the 16 team member of the Taiwan National Representative Team who had attended the Asian Championship. The members are elected in the National Representative Tryout, ages vary from 18.6±4.6 years old, heights from 170.8±6.6 cm, weighs 68.6±12.3 kg and have had practiced in In-Line Roller Hockey for 8.3±3.2 years. According to the objective of the research and the coaches, a 12 week training program was made for the National Representative Team, including 5 weeks of basic fitness training and 7 weeks focus trainings. This research is based on the “Big Cycle training plan”, divided into three sections - “Testing Analysis”, “Fitness Training” and “Focuspre paration” The Standard of this research is the hydroxypropanoic acid scale in which α=.05. Using the sample T to compare, the differences before taking the training is not obvious judging by the hydroxypropanoic acid scale (t=-.729 p>0.05). After taking the training (crossing objects while having the ball) and compare, the differences came out apparently (t=5.4 p<0.05); Taking the other training (turn and score) also has the distinguish differences (t=9.2 p<0.05). According to the results we can find that it makes a lot of difference after the training procedure, and is positive for the National Representative Team as a training reference.


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Thomas R. Baechle & Roger W.Earle(2004)。Essentials of Strength


