  • 學位論文


The Effect of Brand Image on Purchase Intention and Customer Satisfaction in Tourism Industry

指導教授 : 謝介仁
共同指導教授 : 劉維仁


科技日益進步,交通運輸越來越發達,再加上人們越來越重視休閒生活的品質;現今休閒生活意識的抬頭,旅行業者以及旅遊行程越來越多選擇,讓人們不再像從前單純只是享受出去旅遊的感覺,而是越來越重視旅遊時所可以得到的附加價值,例如:旅遊的品質、享受到的服務以及物超所值的感受。 因此旅遊業者必須如何才能提升自己品牌的形象,如何經營才能滿足客戶,進而提升公司績效,是本文的研究重點。 本研究以高雄地區在可樂旅行社出發的消費者為問卷發放對象,共計發放330份問卷,回收之有效問卷為200份,回收率達60%。本研究以SPSS14.0統計軟體,因素分析與迴歸分析等方法來進行數據的分析與解釋。 研究結果顯示:(1)品牌形象對於顧客滿意度具有顯著正向影響;(2)顧客滿意度對於購買意願具有顯著正向影響;(3)品牌形象對於購買意願具有顯著正向影響;(4)顧客滿意度對於品牌形象與購買意願具有中介效果。


Today's technological advances, more and more developed traffic and transportation, along with a growing emphasis on the quality of leisure life; modern leisure life is consciousness raises, and the travel industry is as well as more and more travel options, so people is no longer like before just enjoy the feeling to travel, but more and more the importance of tourism can be obtained when it has an added value, such as: tourism quality, service and value for money to enjoy the experience. How is the tourism industry to enhance their brand image? How is the tourism industry to operate in order to satisfy the customers and to get the highest corporate performance, this is the key point in the study. The questionnaire distributed objects are the consumers of Kaohsiung Cola travel agency, totally issued 330 questionnaires, 200 valid questionnaires were returned, and the return rate is 60%. This study used SPSS14.0 statistical software to perform factor analysis and regression analysis and other methods for data analysis and interpretation. The results showed that: (1) brand image has a significant positive influence on customer satisfaction; (2) the customer satisfaction has a significant positive influence on purchase intention; (3) brand image has a significant positive influence purchase intention; (4) customer satisfaction on brand image and purchase intention has mediating effect.


李城忠、曾淑萍(2011) 運動贊助對品牌知名度、品牌形象影響之研
Yi-Fang Tsai(2011)Cause and Effect among Brand Image Management,Brand Trust and Brand Value:A Study of the Cosmetics Industry.
