  • 學位論文


The Long Journey of Employment Process- The Example of Adults with Mental Retardation in Tainan

指導教授 : 蔡青芬


鑑於智能障礙者在台南人數比例逐年攀升,顯示其需求更趨多元化,值得深入探討其相關福利需求,尤其進入就業階段,更是面臨許多的難題與阻礙,及一段辛酸的過程。研究者之妹妹也曾經因為是輕度智能障礙者,畢業後即將進入職場,卻無法順利找到工作,其問題值得探討及研究。因此本研究旨在瞭解成人智能障礙者就業之歷程,以立意抽樣選取七名目前在台南市就業中或待業中之成人智能障礙者為研究對象。研究方法採取質化研究,透過深入訪談蒐集資料,整理七名受訪者的訪談內容,期盼更深入瞭解他們就業中的心路歷程及困難。研究結果分列如後: 一、成人智能障礙者進入職場,藉由職業輔導評量評估其工作能力,透過政府勞 工局的政策實施,促使雇主願意僱用智能障礙者。顯示政府在智能障礙者的 就業輔導媒合上佔有重要角色。 二、成人智能障礙者的工作性質都屬簡單、替代性高、專業度低,需體力,工作 時數固定,但同工不同酬的狀況卻普遍存在。部分薪資相差甚大,公家機關 優於私人企業,亟需政府從法規面加以改善。 三、成人智能障礙者之工作困境在個人面向部分為:自信心不夠、工作能力不足、 工作倦怠、職場人際相處互動技巧不佳、情緒管理不好。工作環境部分為 :工作內容與自己的興趣不符合、工作時數冗長、工作無保障、待遇不佳、 資遣或解僱的壓力、性別歧視或雇主惡意歧視。 四、成人智能障礙者之工作適應良好與否,受正向因素及負向因素影響。前者包 含家人支持、宗教信仰的力量、職場主管的信任、包容、接納及顧客的讚賞、 機構或社會福利單位協助。後者為個性特質獨特、人際互動不佳、沉重經濟 負擔,其治本之道為成人智能障礙者需自我調整突破,乃至於生命改變。 五、疑似成人智能障礙者在現實社會中找工作確實有困難,但卻得不到政府的協助,幫助他們提升就業能力,是當務之急。 六、在就業服務過程中,實際參與就業服務過程是就業服務員,無社工員配置。 建議配置社工員,對成人智障者予以心理輔導。 最後,根據研究結論,對行政主管機關、主要照顧者、成人智能障礙者、雇主、機構或基金會提出建議。行政主管機關查證企業單位是否依照勞基法規定雇用智能障礙者。主要照顧者盡量與職場主管保持良好的溝通與連繫,掌握其在職場的工作表現。成人智能障礙者多參與團體活動,增進人際互動的能力,使其在職場中拓展人際關係。雇主教導其工作技能,並給予包容。最後機構或基金會提供成人智能障礙者更多就業管道及就業資訊,保障成人智能障礙者就業權益。


Owing to the rising of population proportion with mental retardation year by year in Tainan , it indicates the trend to meet their needs of diversify and is worthy of further exploration of the relevant welfare needs. In particular, at the employment stage, they have faced many problems and obstacles and experienced a period of bitterness. Additionally, the researcher’s sister is a person with mild mental retardation formerly and has the difficulty in finding jobs after graduation. Therefore, this study motivates the researcher to investigate the employment process of adults with mental retardation. The qualitative method of in-depth-interview has been applied to collect the data, purposively sampling to select seven adults with mental retardation in Tainan in employment or unemployed as the research subject. The findings point out: 1. Adults with intellectual disabilities into the workplace, by vocational evaluation to assess their ability to work, through the implementation of the policy of the government agencies. Prompted employers are willing to hire people with mental retardation. Government plays an important role as go-between in the employers and employees. 2. The work of adults with mental retardation is considered simple, high-alternative and low professional level but need physical strength, fixed working hours and the situation of unequal pay for equal work is prevalent. As for the salary, thre is a big gap between public institutions and private enterprises and the former is higher than the latter. There is much room for improvement from the lawful profile. 3. The plight of adults with mental retardation, for the individual-oriented part, includes no self-confidence, lack of ability to work, job burnout, poor interaction skills and interpersonal relation in the workplace and poor emotional management. For working environment part, it includes that the content of the work does not meet with their own interests, long working hours, no job guarantee, poor pay, layoff or dismissal pressure, gender discrimination and malicious discrimination of their employers. 4. The work adaptation of adults with mental retardation is affected by the positive factors and negative factors. The former includes family support, the strength of the religious belief, the trust, tolerance and acceptance of the workplace supervisors, the appreciation of customers and the assistance of organizations or social welfare units. The latter includes the unique personality traits, poor social interaction, the heavy financial burden. The way of solving the problem for adults with mental retardation is the breakthrough of self adjustment, even to change life. 5. Suspected adults with mental retardation in the real world have the difficulty in finding jobs and have no government assistance. It is worth noting how to help promote their working abilities. 6. The staff of actual participation in the process of employment services only has the employment servers and no social worker configuration. Social workers are proposed to place in the employment service and maximize the benefit of the psychological support for the adults with mental retardation. Finally, according to research findings, it is important to have the relevant recommendations on the administrative authorities, primary caregivers, adults with mental retardation, employers, organizations or foundations. The administrative authorities should verify if enterprises units hire adults with mental retardation according to the Law Standard Act. Primary caregivers try their best to maintain good communication and connection with the supervisors in the workplace and handle the working performance of adults with mental retardation. Adults with mental retardation participate group activities as many as possible in order to develop the ability of the interpersonal actions in the workplace. Employers train the vocational skills of adults with mental retardation and offer the tolerance. In the end, organizations or foundations provide the channels and the information of employment for adults with mental retardation and ensure their employment rights. Keywords: Mental retardation; Employment process;Qualitative research


