  • 學位論文


Relationships among Exercise Behavior, Sleep Quality and Quality of Life in Adult Female Students.

指導教授 : 林俐伶


便利高科技的現代生活,坐式生活型態盛行,個人行為中是否有養成規律的運動習慣,對健康體能的促進與疾病的預防有密切的關係,本研究目的旨在探討成年女學生運動行為與運動心理因素、睡眠品質之相關性,研究採橫斷面、回溯性、相關性研究,方便取樣方式,樣本為南部大專院校成年女學生,研究資料以次數、百分比、平均值、標準差,呈現描述統計資料,再以單因子變異量分析、雪費氏事後比較,皮爾森積差相關進行推論統計。 研究結果發現,206位成年女學生平均年齡29.01,其中184人(89.3%)從事兼職或正職工作,三日中重度活動量為每天3.98 (Kcal/kg/day),樣本普遍呈現較差的睡眠品質,其平均匹茲堡睡眠品質指數為7.22。生活品質生理範疇平均值為13.71,心理範疇平均值為12.12,社會關係範疇平均值為13.33,外在環境範疇平均值為12.19,整體生活品質平均值為為89.29。除了輪班工作者有較佳的運動行為外,其他個人背景因素與運動行為沒有顯著的關係,同時運動行為與自覺運動利益、自覺運動障礙、運動自我效能、睡眠品質及生活品質關係並不顯著。進一步分析發現,運動利益與整體生活品質呈正相關,自覺運動障礙愈高者睡眠愈差、生活品質心理範疇滿意度也愈差,運動自我效能愈低者,睡眠品質愈差,生活滿意度亦愈差。研究結果可作為衛生教育單位規劃消除危害健康行為,養成良好健康行為之保健服務計畫的參考依據。


Abstract Life styles in modern people have changed due to convenient high technologies. The sedentary life-style has great impacts on human’s health. Regularly exercise is helpful in the health improvement and disease prevention. The purpose of this study is to explore relationships among personal characteristics, exercise behaviors, exercise psychological factors, sleep quality, and quality of life in adult female students. The study adopted a cross-sectional, retrospective correlational design and subjects were recruited from colleges or universities in south Taiwan using convenience sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s tests and Pearson’s correlation. The results of the study showed: The mean age of subjects was 29.01 years old and most of them had part-time or fulltime jobs. The average number of moderate and vigorous physical activity was 3.98 Kcal/kg/day. The participants revealed poor quality of sleep with an average score of 7.22 in the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The Taiwan WHOQOL-BREF were used to assess the quality of life, the mean score of overall quality of life was 89.29, the score for the physical, psychological, social and environmental domains were 13.71, 12.12, 13.33, and 12.19, respectively. Except the shift works of subjects who had higher amount of exercises, there are no significant relationships between exercise behavior and personal characteristics. No significant relationships were found between exercise behavior and psychological factors. Similarly, the exercise behavior had no significant relationship with sleep quality, and with quality of life. However, further analysis found that the perceived exercise benefit had significant positive relationship with overall quality of life. The perceived exercise barriers had significant positive relationship with sleep quality and significant negative relationship with the psychological domain of quality of life. The exercise self-efficacy had significant negative relationship with sleep quality and positive relationship with overall quality of life. The results of this study can be helpful in providing information while the authorities are planning the preventive health educational programs.


林宗賢(2003) •運動-介入對女教職員工健康體適能的影響•藝術學報,73,167-171。


