  • 學位論文


Political concerns and allegorical aesthetics in the novels of Lin Yiyun

指導教授 : 王鈺婷


林宜澐擅長利用喜鬧劇形式書寫小說,內容表面上荒誕戲謔,但實則緊扣社會現實,關注政治時事,字裡行間充滿嘲諷批判,深具魅力。特別是作家在小說中對臺灣社會與政治現況展現的驚人洞察力,無論是社會角落小人物的生活故事,還是報章雜誌大肆報導的新聞事件,都成為作家小說的創作題材。 本論文為更貼近理解林宜澐在小說世界中對臺灣社會的關心與凝視,拋棄過往林宜澐小說研究的定見限制,採用主題式研究方式,以「政治關懷」與「諷喻手法」當作論文發想核心。並藉由「政治諷刺小說」、「災難寓言小說」和「歷史想像書寫」三種不同的書寫形式,深究林宜澐小說裡的各種「政治關懷」面向。同時討論作家擅長的「諷喻手法」,如何呈現在上述三種書寫形式之中?追問這些表現形式能讓林宜澐的小說作品呈現何種美感?藉此一窺林宜澐小說中政治、人性與權力三角關係的拉扯辯證,體現作家在小說中的創作態度與價值選擇。


林宜澐 政治小說 諷喻美學


Lin Yiyun excels at using comedy and farce as a form of writing. Outwardly, his writings appear to consist of absurd banter, but in fact, they adhere closely to social realities and keenly follow political trends; there is a host of taunts and criticisms between the lines that shows his profound fascination with these trends. In particular, the author in his novels reveals an astonishing insight of Taiwan’s social and political circumstances. Both the life story of a nobody in an obscure back corner of society as well as news events reported by unbridled newspapers and magazines have become creative themes for Lin’s novels. To better understand Lin’s concerns and preoccupations about Taiwanese society in the world of his novels, this paper discards the stereotypical limitations of past studies of his novels and adopts a thematic approach to research, placing “political concerns” and “allegorical methods” at the core of its conceptual development. Through the exploration of three different forms of Lin’s writing—“the novel as political satire,” “the novel as a disaster fable,” and “writing from historical imagination”—this paper does an indepth study of the various aspects of the “political concerns” in Lin’s novels. It also discusses the “allegorical method”—which the author handles so well—and how the method exhibits within these three forms of writing. The sort of aesthetic sense that emerges from a detailed investigation of these forms of expression in Lin’s novels is also investigated. Such a scrutiny of the forces in the triangular relationship between politics, human nature, and power brings out the creative approach and value choices in Lin’s works.


米蘭‧昆德拉(Milan Kundera)著,孟湄譯,《小說的藝術》(香港:牛津大學,1993)。
