  • 學位論文


the Spanish activities in East Asia seas during the 18th century

指導教授 : 李毓中


西班牙哈布斯堡王朝自17世紀開始衰落,最終西班牙王位繼承戰爭改朝換代,由波旁王朝入主西班牙王室,並接收了龐大的海外殖民地—美洲與菲律賓。面對太平洋另一端的菲律賓,西班牙波旁王朝仍沿用哈布斯堡王朝的作法,遵循著《印地亞斯法典》管理這塊殖民地。隨著東亞海域中的情勢變化、航海技術的革新,西班牙人盡力透過菲律賓的地理位置,取得與中國人貿易的機會,並讓航行於阿卡普爾科—馬尼拉航線的加雷翁船運載更多亞洲商品。然而,載著豐富的東方財寶的加雷翁船,開始受到英國私掠船的覬覦,18世紀中葉英國更是醞釀進攻佔領馬尼拉的行動,種種侵犯西班牙殖民政權的行為,讓西班牙波旁王朝開始正視改革菲律賓的殖民政策。 1785年西班牙於馬德里成立菲律賓王家公司,這間特許貿易公司旨在促進菲律賓經濟發展與加工業出口貿易,它不但加強了菲律賓在亞洲貿易的重要性,並開啟西班牙對菲律賓的直接貿易。菲律賓王家公司接收自17世紀以來所有往返美洲與亞洲之間的加雷翁船貿易,直到1810年公司宣告失敗。 本論文企圖以較為宏觀、多視角的方式呈現18世紀西班牙人在東亞海域的活動狀況,並回答18世紀西班牙波旁王朝經營馬尼拉的政策轉變,以及為何於18世紀末成立貿易特許公司的目的與意義。


Spain, ruled by the Habsburg dynasty, had been in steady decline since the 17 th century. Finally, the War of Spanish Succession brought about a dramatic change, and the Bourbons were finally able to replace the Habsburgs as the ruling house of Spain. As a bonus treat, the Bourbons also inherited the gigantic empire of Spanish overseas colonies – most notably the Americas and the Philippines. Considering that the Philippines were located at the other end of the Pacific Ocean, far removed from the mother country, the Bourbons continued the Habsburg practice of following the Recopilación de leyes de los Reynos de las Indias. (“Laws of the Indies”) to manage this colony. As situations in the East Asian Seas had changed, and innovative technology of navigation had been introduced, the Spaniards tried to fully utilize the geographical advantage of the Philippines in order to trade with the Chinese, and allow Galleons running the Acapulco - Manila commercial route to carry more Asian goods per sail. However, Galleons that were always carrying the valuable oriental treasures gradually attracted the envious eyes of British privateers, and in the mid-18 th century, Britain even planned an assault to occupy Manila. Alerted by all these encroachments on the Spanish colonial regime, the Bourbon Spain began to initiate reforms in colonial policies of the Philippines. Spain established the La Real Compañía de Filipinas (“The royal Philippine company”) in Madrid in 1785. The purpose of this specially licensed trading company was to promote the economic development of the Philippines and its processing industry export trade. This company not only reinforced the importance of the Philippines in the Asian market, but also opened direct trade between Spain and the Philippines. The La Real Compañía de Filipinas took over Galleon trade business that were run between the Americas and Asia since the 17 th century, which went on until 1810, when the company finally failed. This paper strives to present the Spanish activities in East Asia seas during the 18th century in a macroscopic, multi-perspective way. It shall also try to explain Bourbon Spain’s shift in management policy in Manila in the 18th century, and the purpose and meaning behind the establishment of a concessionaire company in this period.




