  • 學位論文


Top Sales Research-Study of the Effects of Personal Factors on Sales Activities

指導教授 : 陳寶蓮


回顧過去三十年台灣產業發展歷史,高科技產業扮演著舉足輕重的角色。過去多將科技業的蓬勃發展歸功於知識技術、研發能力的突破,但不可否認的是,替公司、組織開疆闢土,在第一線作戰的業務人員們同樣扮演著舉足輕重的角色。大多數科技產業的業務員為B2B的業務類型。其接觸對象較為龐大,且所需處理的問題也相當繁雜。隨著21世紀邁向了知識經濟的時代,各行各業對於專業人才的需求加劇,同樣業務工作也應該要以專業化為目標。業務員不能再只是單純將產品推銷出去的銷售機器,應該要增加自身價值,設法替公司和客戶解決問題,而這一過程並非一蹴可幾,需要透過更多的投入和研究來達成。鑒於過去對於頂尖業務員的研究缺乏了探討業務員個人因素對銷售行為的影響,本研究以B2B類型的科技業業務員為研究對象,透過質性研究深度訪談法研究以下兩個問題:(一)探討人格特質對銷售行為有何影響?(二)探討個人背景對銷售行為有何影響?經文獻回顧、研究方法的設計、訪談資料蒐集與整理,最後分析研究結果並討論。綜合出以下發現:(一)業務人員會因性別和業務工作年資的不同而具有不同的銷售行為(二)擁有「樂於交際」特質的業務人員會有不同的經營人脈方式(三)業務員會因公司背景和產品種類的差異具有不同的銷售行為。第一、二點發現回應了本研究的問題。並同時發現到第三點,不同的公司背景和產品種類會造成業務員採取不同的銷售行為。最後根據本研究發現,同時就學術及實務應用提出建議。 關鍵字:人格特質、銷售行為、頂尖業務員、B2B市場


In retrospect the history of Taiwan industry development, high-tech industry plays an important role on promoting economic growth. However, we always credit this success to R&D personnel, making a progress in science and technology, but ignored the other essential position, sales representative, who directly sold the products to consumers. The market of high-tech industry is B2B market (business-to-business), with complexity products and numerous decision players, so, in contrast to B2C sales, the B2B sales must be able to solve various kinds of problems. Meanwhile, 21st century is a knowledge based economy era that professional talents have been more valuable, so to specialize sales becomes a serious issue. This research is about top sales, which examines the effects of personal factors on sales activities by in-depth interview, a qualitative research method, which is semi-structured interview. After data analysis, the study discovered that both personality traits and personal background have effects on sales activities, and the backgrounds of companies and the kinds of products also have effects on sales activities.


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