  • 學位論文


Agglomeration and Productivity:Evidence from Electronic Parts and Components Manufacturing in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李宜


本文主旨在於探討產業群聚的外部性對於廠商生產力的影響。首先我們利用2003年至2012年間工廠校正暨營運調查資料,並以EG指數作為群聚衡量指標並觀察台灣電子零組件製造業的聚集情形。而產業的平均EG指數為0.019,表示電子零組件製造業屬於低度地理集中。另外,我們發現該產業的廠商主要分布在台灣北部。 接著,本文使用台灣上市櫃電子零組件製造業之廠商數據,以panel data的迴歸模型進行分析,檢驗產業群聚程度與廠商生產力的關係,實驗結果顯示,產業群聚對於廠商生產力有著正向且顯著的影響。下一步,我們將廠商依聚集程度的大小進行分類,而位於中度的裡集中的產業帶給廠商生產力的正面效果最佳。最後,本文亦發現EG指數與市場集中度間的交互作用項為負向顯著,表示對於群聚而言,市場集中度的提升將對廠商生產力帶來額外的負面效果。


The main purpose of this study aims to discuss the effect of agglomeration externalities on firm productivity in the Taiwan’s Electronics Parts and Components industry. We first construct the EG index by using data on total employment in each city and industry of Taiwan from the Factory Operation Census during the period of 2003 to 2012. The mean value of EG index is 0.019 which is defined to be the lowly concentrated industry. In addition, we find that firms in the Electronic Parts and Components industry are more likely locate in the northern part of Taiwan. By using data on public listed companies in Taiwan, we examine the effects of agglomeration externalities on firm productivity. We find that agglomeration externalities have positive effects on firm productivity. Moreover, the positive contributions of agglomeration externalities to firm productivity are larger for firms with EG indices in the middle ranges than for firms with high or low EG indices. Finally, we find that the positive effects of agglomeration externalities on firm productivity are smaller in markets with a high HHI index.


詹立宇、張明宗、徐之強(2004),「台灣製造業垂直分工與產業聚集之關係」 “Vertical Disintegration and Industry Agglomeration in Taiwan’s Manufacturing Sector”,經濟論文叢刊 Taiwan Economic Review,32:4,pp.483-511。
詹立宇(2010),「台灣電子產業生產技術效率之區域差 異與相關」 “Disparity and Correlation in Production Efficiency of Regions: The Evidence from Taiwan’s Electronics Industry”,東吳 經濟商學學報 Soochow Journal of Economics and Business,71,pp.1-26。
