  • 學位論文

暴力與修辭 ——1950年代至1980年代兩岸政治詩比較研究

Violence and Rhetoric ——Political Poetry of Taiwan and China Mainland from 1950s to 1980s

指導教授 : 劉正忠 楊佳嫻


上世紀50年代至80年代以來,兩岸的政治變動與詩歌的美學實踐都同樣劇烈,個人的創作历程也記錄着時代環境的重大變遷。這段時期的詩歌作品,即便不是主流的政治詩作品,也都或多或少都存在著一種「政治性修辭」。本文通過分析兩岸五種主要的類型詩作(主旋律的政治詩、軍中詩人創作、文革時期的地下詩、台灣的現代主義作品、牢獄詩),歸納比較兩岸詩作中的政治性修辭現象,以呈現兩岸詩作對「暴力」主題的修辭表現。 台灣詩人的政治視野,也從五六十年代的冷戰時期的敵我對抗,轉為一種「官-民」的內部視野,政治詩更具有社會議題性和街頭的熱辣性格。80年代以來大陸詩人卻出現了由「政治的詩學」轉向「詩學的政治」,從地上與地下的兩種聲音,轉為對語言內部的修辭探索。這些主題和風格的變形,在兩岸的比較視野下,顯得更加明顯、複雜。


政治詩 暴力修辭 兩岸比較


Since the 50s to 80s of last century, political situation had changes as turbulent as the aesthetic practice of poetry on both sides of the Taiwan and China Mainland. Personal works have recorded a major change of every stage of the times. This period of poetry, even if not mainstream political poetry, still embody some quality we can call as "political rhetoric". Through the analysis on both sides of the main types of Poems (political poems, the military poets’ works, the underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution , Taiwan modernism poetry, poems at jails) , I collect the political rhetoric devices they used on the theme of "violence". The political vision of the Taiwan poets have changed from the Cold War pattern which stress the crisis between "ourselves" and the "enemy" , to an internal vision of "Governors- People", and political poetry was more cynical with a street style. Since the 80s, mainland poets’ sense of writing have shifted from "Political Poetics" to "Poetic Politics", from the conflicts between voices on the streets and voices underground, to the rhetorical exploration within the language. The distortion of these themes and styles appears more obvious and complex under the comparative vision of both sides of the Taiwan strait.


福柯 (Michel Foucault):《規訓與懲罰:監獄的誕生 》,北京:三联书店,2003年。
