  • 學位論文


An action study on using text-based inference strategies for fourth graders

指導教授 : 陳明蕾


本研究以研究者為研究對象,採用行動研究法,針對國小四年級下學期翰林版國語課本為教材。從文本分析進行國語課閱讀理解教學的教案設計,依照課本單元為教學階段,共計十課課文。研究時間共計13周,27節課,經歷三個教學階段,觀察、歸納與分析研究者從解讀文本、內容分析、設計教學與教學實施,並從中了解研究者的研究困境與成長。 本研究探究的目的分別是探究國小教師利用四年級國語課文進行推論策略教學的文本解讀與教學活動設計的思考;探究研究者教學中,觀察學生反應與課程設計的修正歷程,最後是探究研究者在行動歷程中「面臨的困境及專業成長」。 本研究發現文本解讀是確認教學目標和教學活動設計的基礎。教師採用循環的教學流程固定每一課的教學模式,可以增進教學的成效。固定的學習模式、學習責任的轉移、小組內的聚焦討論有助學生學習穩固與遷移。最後,透過網路或面對面的分享,增加專業對談;文本分析有先後步驟、多重策略的應用有先後順序;學生、家長和教學者都是教學檢核的重要夥伴。 根據研究發現,提出相關建議,俾供國民小學、教師、以及未來研究之參考。


In this study, the researcher as the research object, using action study, for the fourth grade Hanlin version of Mandarin textbooks. The study period is 13 weeks, 27 classes, through three teaching stages, observation, Interpretation and analysis of the researchers from the interpretation of the text, content analysis, design and teaching observation, and learn from the researchers' plight and growth. The first purpose of this study is to explore the teacher ‘s thinking about the textbook interpretation and design the course . The second purpose is to explore the teacher observes the student response and curriculum design revision process when teaching. The last one is to explore the researchers in the course of action faced by the plight and professional growth. This study found the following: (A) text interpretation is to confirm the teaching objectives and teaching activities based on the design. The teaching process of the cycle fixes the teaching mode of each lesson. (B) the fixed learning model, the transfer of learning responsibility, the focus of discussion within the group to help students learn. (C) through the network or face to face sharing, increase the professional dialogue; text analysis has the steps, multiple strategies have the order of application; students, parents and teachers are teaching and examination of important partners. According to the study found that the relevant recommendations for the national primary school, teachers, as well as future research reference.


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