  • 學位論文


The Research of We Yingwu’s “Jun-Zhai Poems”

指導教授 : 李欣錫


蔣寅在其《大曆詩人研究》中提出韋應物基於仕隱的矛盾心態建立起「郡齋詩」這種詩歌類型,並認為郡齋詩表達了古代封建社會士大夫理想的生活方式──吏隱,但卻未對韋應物的郡齋詩做進一步的探論及闡釋。本文以此為出發點,爬梳六朝以來謝靈運、謝朓、宋之問、張九齡、岑參等人郡齋詩創作的情形,藉此建立起郡齋詩發展的脈絡,並從中探究郡齋詩在韋應物時定型的成因。就時代背景來看,中晚唐吏隱觀念的普遍盛行、園林的興建與郡齋功能的拓展以及郡齋言詩的文學風尚,使郡齋詩在中唐以後大量被創作;而韋應物三領大藩的仕宦經歷和儒釋道兼容並蓄的思想內涵,對其創作郡齋詩也產生了積極的影響。 本文在緒論中先對「郡齋詩」指涉的範圍予以定義,並據此探究韋應物作於滁州、江州、蘇州三任刺史期間的郡齋詩,分別從其郡齋詩的題材取向、情感內涵、藝術風格及寫作手法等方面析論韋氏不同時期郡齋詩的特色及當中所反映的仕宦心態,亦藉此觀察韋應物吏隱觀念的形成與吏隱生活在郡齋中的實踐等。 透過本文的討論,筆者期許能夠找出郡齋詩這種詩歌類型得以在韋應物手上建立的原因,並對韋應物的郡齋詩創作進行全面的分析,除觀察其郡齋詩的貢獻與成就外,也希望藉此提供另一個面向,以重新思考韋應物郡齋詩在文學史上的意義與定位。


Research of Da Li Poets, written by Jiang Yin, pointed out that We Yingwu’s paradox between being political involved and pursuing life as a hermit inspired Jun-Zhai Poetry. Jiang also proposed that Jun-Zhai Poetry reflected the ideal lifestyle of feudal age scholars –serve physically and recluse psychologically (吏隱) , but he hadn’t further discuss or elaborate the meaning of We’s poems . This article starts by looking into the Jun-Zhai poems composed byXie Ling Yun(謝靈運)、Xie Tiao(謝朓)、Song Zhi Wen(宋之問)、Zhang Jiu Ling(張九齡)、Cen Shen(岑參) and establishing the development history of Jun-Zhai Poetry. Then it discusses why the form of Jun-Zhai Poetry became set in We’s time. Chronologically,” serve physically and recluse psychologically” (吏隱) was a poplar idea in mid-late Tang dynasty. The construction of garden along with the expansion of Jun-Zhai (郡齋) functionality and the poetry style of , caused a sharp rise in Jun-Zhai poetry composition. We’s political success in and balanced mix in Confucianism and Taoist also brought positively influenced Jun-Zhai Poetry. First the author makes a clear definition for Jun-Zhai poetry, then picked out We’s Jun-Zhai poems composed during We’s three separate terms as an official in Chuzhou(滁州)、Jiangzhou(江州) and(Suzhou)蘇州 for further discussion. This essay analyzes characteristic of We’s Jun-Zhai poet from perspectives of emotional content, artistic style and composing skills, also the reflected political attitude, and by doing so, observes formation and practice of “serve physically and recluse psychologically “(吏隱) in We’s Jun-Zhai Poetry. Through this discussion, writer expects to discover the reason why Jun-Zhai Poetry is successfully introduced by We YingWu, also, thoroughly analyze We’s Jun-Zhai composition. This essay not only summarizes his contribution and accomplishment of Jun-Zhai Poetry, but also provides a different point of view to re-think the We’s Jun-Zhai Poetry’s meaning and position in Chinese literature.


1. 李奇鴻,《「詩聖」的一個面向:杜詩中的「家國聯繫」表現模式》,新竹:清華大學中國文學研究所碩士論文,2015年。
一、 傳統文獻
1. 〔晉〕葛洪,《神仙傳》,收入《百部叢書集成》第13輯,臺北:藝文印書館,1966年。
2. 〔晉〕葛洪著,王明校釋,《抱朴子內篇校釋》,北京:中華書局,1980年。
3. 〔南朝宋〕范曄撰,〔唐〕李賢等注,《後漢書》,北京:中華書局,1965年。

