  • 學位論文

臺灣閩南語動相和體貌標記: 「了」的個案研究

Phase and Aspect Markers in Taiwanese Southern Min: A Case Study of 了liau2

指導教授 : 連金發


本論文旨在藉由比較早期閩南語與現代閩南語中‘了liau2’這個動相標記及體貌標記在中語法功能與構句之異同初探。早期閩南語之語料來自【語苑】,而現代閩南語之語料則來自【閩南語故事集】。本論文之探討分別就詞彙、語意、語法及音韻等觀點著手。其一,主要的討論關注於是否動相標記‘了liau2’與謂語間在形成句子時有所限制;其二,本論文試探是否動相標記與體貌標記呈現互補分佈。於本論文中,不僅探究‘了liau2’這個動相標記,同時也初探及比較‘好ho2, 完uan5, 去khi3, 煞suah’等動相標記與‘了liau2’這個動相標記功能與構句異同。本文以Lien (1995,2005)的文章為繼承而開啟,進一步深入探討臺灣閩南語中的動相標記與體貌標記在線性及層級結構上的位置。


The purpose of this paper aims at the comparison and contrast of phase marker 了liau2 , as well as 好ho2, 完uan5, 去khi3, and煞suah between Goen and stories for Taiwanese Southern Min. This study aims to provide a preliminary analysis on the phase marker and aspect marker in TSM. The research will be undergone on the basis of lexical, semantic, syntactic, and phonological aspect respectively. The study attempts to undergo the research and offer answers to following issues. First issue is concerned whether the construction of phase markers and predicates is with limits. Second issue is dealt with whether the collocation of different phase markers is complementarily distributed. Third issue is coped with both linear and hierarchical order of phase and aspect markers with predicates.


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