  • 學位論文


Critical Thinking of Cultural Symptom under “Regression Trend”:Study of Shih Shu-Ching’s When the Cowbell Rings and Glazed Tiles

指導教授 : 陳建忠


施叔青不斷遷移的生命經驗,從美國紐約返回台灣,又從台灣遷居至香港,最後又歸返台灣,此段歷時數十年的歲月,作者於各不同階段創作了不一樣題材風格的小說作品,從早期現代主義的沉鬱,後嘗試鄉土寫實、婚戀題材,香港時期的香港故事系列的物質、兩性情欲和文化政治的糾葛及後殖民歷史的關照,旅外經驗下的旅行書寫,歸根台灣為台灣歷史作傳的歷史小說書寫。 六○年代末至七○年代時期,台灣政經環境的變動,美國停止對台經援、經濟型態的轉型,亦因現代主義作品流為個人式關照而不貼近社會現實,許多作家感受到文學需要改變,作為知識分子應貼近時代觀照社會的脈動,紛紛轉為書寫社會現實,鄉土寫實的書寫從伏流逐漸成熟而活絡起來,施叔青於此逐漸興起的回歸鄉土寫實的文學風潮下,亦逐而轉向寫實主義改變其書寫的核心主題,開始嘗試寫社會現實層面。施叔青以其原鄉鹿港為藍本,於七○年代創作出版長篇小說《牛鈴聲響》(1975)和《琉璃瓦》(1976)等鄉土寫實之作,因應當時代台灣留學生發起保釣運動的文化自省回歸,再加上鄉土運動的時代潮流,施叔青歸返台灣,搭連時代的主流脈動與其對話,書寫出此二部長篇小說,以此回應回歸的自省心態。 本論文試圖在冷戰時代美援的框架下,透過爬梳海外書寫與鄉土回歸的書寫脈絡,觀看施叔青在七○年代呼應回歸熱潮的鄉土寫實書寫,二部長篇小說:《牛鈴聲響》與《琉璃瓦》。重新觀看此二部小說,試圖以不同的眼光視角看見它的特殊意義與位置,為何它在當時代的文學脈絡中不易被看見。在作者有意識的透過書寫作為自省回歸的表現,回歸鄉土的指涉與意義便是本論文聚焦的討論重點。從外緣的時代、文學脈絡與作者自身歷程,至內緣文本的形式美學、主題與作者特定的敘事視角,觀看施叔青此二部回應回歸鄉土思潮的書寫。進而探論作者透過書寫作為自省回歸的表現,在回歸的路程中,其如何著重在文化層面上,看見台灣文化的病癥,提出時代的問題,又如何對此進行反思?而其回歸的「鄉土」指向何處的鄉土,筆下與自身心中的「鄉土」是什麼?於當時代的語境與思考脈絡下,台灣與中國之間的焦距模糊,甚或重疊,從文本中探尋作者的回歸指向。本論文試圖從作者的創作脈絡與七○年代的文學場域中,看見施叔青此書寫階段的問題、特殊性與意義。


施叔青 牛鈴聲響 琉璃瓦 鄉土 回歸 文化病理


Shih Shu-Ching migrated from New York to Taiwan, and then from Taiwan to Hong Kong. Finally, she returned to Taiwan. In the past decades, she tried to write novels in multifarious ways. In the beginning, her works is melancholy modernism. And then, she tried local realism and marriage theme. When she lived in Hong Kong, she described the material culture, entanglement between sexual lust and cultural politic, and critical thinking of post-colonial history in her Hong Kong story series. She also wrote the experience of travel. At last, she wrote the biography of Taiwan history. During the late 1960s to 1970s, there was big changes in Taiwan political and economic environment. United States stopped helping Taiwan in economy. The modernist works focused on personal world, ignoring the social reality. Many writers felt the need to change the literature, should be closer to the era as Intellectuals. Therefore, they began to write social reality. Local realism writing gradually came to life. Under the regression trend of local realism literary, Shih Shu-Ching also began to face realism, trying to write social reality. Shih Shu-Ching published several local realism novels, such as When the Cowbell Rings(1975) and Glazed Tiles(1976),which were based on her hometown “Lukang”. Following the nongovernmental defense movement of 1970s and the trend of regionalism, by writing these two novels , Shih Shu-Ching went along with the mainstream of the times, refelcting the critical thinking of regression trend. This dissertation attempts to observe Shih Shu-Ching’s 70’s local realism writings, When the Cowbell Rings and Glazed Tiles, through the framework of the Cold War era, overseas writing, and the regression trend of local. Observing these two novels, I tried to use the different perspectives to see their specific meanings and location. This dissertation will focus on the writer’s critical thinking of “Regression Trend” from the outer edge of the era, literary context, author's own experience, to the inner edge of the text in the form of aesthetics, themes and the specific narrative perspective. Discussing how the writer represented her critical thinking about“Regression Trend”, and how to seize the symptoms of Taiwan culture. Where was her local regression? From the author’s contexts and the literary background of 1970’s, this dissertation attempts to observe the awareness of issues, particularity, and meanings in Shih Shu-Ching’s writings.




