  • 學位論文


A discussion of syntax and semantics on ma- verbs in Yami

指導教授 : 曹逢甫


摘要 本論文旨在針對達悟語ma-型動詞有更深入的描述,並且以形式語言學理論分析達悟語ma-型動詞的句法、語意結構之衍生。Ma-型動詞為一多功能詞綴,並且常見於南島語中。根據何&董(2006)的分析,達悟語ma-型動詞可分為兩種,一為主事者語態ma-,另一個則是非主事者語態ma-。本文支持何&董的看法,並且將提供筆者新的發現與分析。 達悟語ma-型動詞,共有四種。第一類ma1-為主事者語態,南島語中,通常以重疊構詞來表示事件正在進行中,而此類的ma-型動詞容許重疊構詞出現,則其事件類型(event type)為動態動詞。第二類ma2-為非主事者語態,其事件類型為靜態事件,因此類的ma-不允許重疊構詞出現。第三類ma3-亦為非主事者語態,通常有表能力的語意產生,屬於能力情態,可作成就動詞用。第四類ma4-為被動語態,根據Chang(2004),南島語中,若動詞上無黏著代名詞與動詞後的名詞組相互呼應,則該名詞組(論元)為非核心論元。而達悟語ma4-的動詞上出現的為經驗者,而非主事者,且主事者被標記為屬格格位。 本文對於達悟語ma-型動詞的句法、語意分析將分別採取Aldridge(2004)以及Haqcard(2006)的理論,並且聚焦在ma3-的討論。語意的部分,筆者認為,ma3-包含一個情境情態基底(circumstantial modal base)與偏稱(existential force)。因此一旦ma3-被定義,則真實性蘊含的解讀便會產生。句法的部分,筆者採用Aldridge(2004)的分析,假設達悟語的基本語序為VSO,對於ma3-來說,語態詞組會給主事者屬格格位,而主格格位則會來自輕動詞。本文並沒有論及語態詞組以上的組成成份,因為達悟語的TAM(時態、時式、情境)系統仍處不明狀態,對此,筆者留待未來有更深入的研究。


達悟語 ma-型動詞 ma-


Abstract This thesis aims to discuss the syntactic and semantic derivation of ma- verbs in Yami. Ma-, a multi-functional prefix, is commonly seen across Austronesian languages. According to Rau & Dong (2006), Yami ma- is a homopheme which can be divided into two categories: one belongs to agent voice and the other one belongs to non-agent voice. This thesis, in addition to supporting Rau & Dong (2006)’s analyses of ma-, reveals four types of ma- verbs in Yami, which receive little attention in the literature. The first type of ma- verbs, referred to as MA1-, is used as the agent voice which tends to co-occur with reduplicated progressive affixes. The event type of MA1- is always active. As for the non-agent voice ma- verbs, they are not allowed to co-occur progressive affixes. The non-agent voice ma- verbs could be further categorized into MA2- and MA3- where the MA2- verbs are stative verbs and the MA3- verbs are modal verbs. The MA2- verbs denote only one event and are usually without agent while the MA3- verbs entail ability or potential of agent. The fourth type of ma- verbs is MA4-, which serves as PASSIVE VOICE. Based on Aldridge (2004) and Hacqard (2006, 2009), this thesis focuses mainly on the discussion of syntactic and semantic derivation of MA3- in Yami. Generally speaking, the semantics of MA3- contains a circumstantial modal base and assumes existential force. That is, as long as MA3- is defined, an event denoted by MA3- must entail actuality entailment (Hacqard, 2006). In addition, following Aldridge (2004), I assume that the basic word order of MA3- Yami is VSO. In this case, Voice P will assign genitive cases to external arguments like agents. As for internal arguments, patients will receive nominative cases from vP. Nevertheless, since the TAM system of Yami requires further discussion, this thesis will not deal with the structure above Voice P.


Yami language ma- verbs ma-


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