  • 學位論文


The Diminutive Rime Changes and Vowel Convergence in Wuhan, Tuangfeng, Jin, and Wu dialects

指導教授 : 曹逢甫


漢語方言的小稱詞用法形態豐富,隨著語法化的程度愈高,小稱後綴的語音形式虛化的程度也愈大,到最後失去自己獨立音節的地位,與詞幹融合為同一音節,並且對詞幹元音的音質也做了修改。本文觀察武漢方言、鄂東團風方言、河南獲嘉方言和山西孝義方言以及吳語的定海和寧波方言,這些方言點都有以變韻為主的小稱形式,而且小稱音變之後的詞幹元音都趨同為前中元音及後中元音(武漢、團風、獲嘉),或是只往前中元音集中(孝義、寧波、定海)。 武漢、鄂東、華中地帶屬於官話區的方言,其小稱音變一般被認為是捲舌的兒化韻殘留。然而,我們對武漢及團風方言的小稱音變之語音結構以及語意進行考察及探索,我們的結論是這二地的小稱音變現象不是一般認為的兒化音變,而可能是來自其它的小稱後綴的影響。 武漢方言的音變中,本音的韻尾丟失,而核心韻母的音質則略為修改並且有中和的現象。我們採用曹逢甫(2006)的小稱語法化輪迴架構,分析武漢方言的小稱音變應該是由鼻音尾 –n 的加綴所引起;此外, -n 的加綴還導致詞幹音節結構的改變以及元音趨同為前中元音及後中元音。在湖北省東部的團風方言的小稱音變裡,也有元音趨同為前中元音及後中元音的現象,而且以前中元音/為大宗。無獨有偶的,在河南省的獲嘉方言、山西孝義方言以及吳語裡的寧波、定海方言裡,也都可以觀察到這樣的現象。 本文 以曹逢甫(2006)的小稱語法化輪迴的架構,研究武漢、鄂東、晉語以及吳語裡的小稱變韻元音趨同的現象,我們認為在多少年前武漢、鄂東方言應有一段很長的時間具有鼻音尾小稱詞N。這個鼻音尾小稱, 跟現代吳方言的鼻音尾小稱一樣,後來都經歷了詞幹韻尾取代、鼻化韻母形成、鼻化韻母合併、聲調合併以及去鼻化韻的階段。而目前殘留的例外字正是演化過程不同階段所留下的語言「化石」。 關鍵字:小稱音變、元音趨同、兒化音變、鼻音尾/鼻化小稱詞、語法化輪迴


It is generally believed that the diminutive rime changes in central China, such as Wuhan, Tuangfeng, and Jin dialects are originated from the r-suffixation, even though the changes are so different from the typical r-suffixation. In this paper, we suggest that the diminutive rime changes in Wuhan, Tuangfeng and Jin dialects are the residues of the diminutive nasal endings, instead of the r-suffixation. In the diminutive rimes of Wuhan, Tuangfeng, and Jin dialects, the original codas are dropped and the original vowels are neutralized and become front central vowel and back central vowel. Within the framework of the grammaticalization cycle(Tsao, 2006) and the cross-dialectal comparison, we find the convergent rime changes are similar to those of Wu dialects. Thus, in this paper, we argue that the diminutive rime changes in Wuhan, Tuangfeng, and Jin dialects are residues of nasal suffixation, instead of r-suffixation. The nasal suffixation results in the syllabic changes and vowel convergence into two groups of central vowels:. We believe that diminutive nasal endings were once productive in these dialects, as the case in Wu dialect. After the grammaticalization cycle, the diminutive nasal endings are denasalized and become the diminutive rime changes in what we see today. Keywords: diminutive rime change, vowel convergence, r-suffixation, diminutive nasal endings, grammaticalization cycle


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