  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王茂駿


本研究主要目的是在探討低於法定規定85 dB(A)之半導體廠無塵室作業區噪音對於作業員生理及心理之影響。在研究方法上將噪音依聲壓位準分成80 dB(A)與65 dB(A),頻率分為相對的高、低頻率等四種噪音特性組合,以實驗室模擬噪音方式,對10位男性與10位女性受試者進行噪音暴露1小時,瞭解不同噪音特性對於人們生理上血壓、脈搏的反應及主觀心理上煩擾、疲勞的感受,並評估個人噪音敏感度與心理感受的相關性。其結果顯示血壓反應在暴露於80 dB(A)噪音之收縮壓大於65 dB(A)之收縮壓 (p<0.001)。在主觀煩擾度上暴露於80 dB(A)大於65 dB(A) (p<0.001)。在主觀疲勞度上暴露於80 dB(A)大於65 dB(A) (p<0.001),且噪音對疲勞度影響以集中精神困難為主。主觀心理感受與客觀收縮壓反應,都隨著聲壓位準愈大其平均變化量也相對愈大。噪音頻率對於生理反應與主觀感受均無顯著關係。因此推論半導體廠無塵室作業區內噪音由於聲壓位準之差異會對作業人員造成不同生理反應與主觀心理感受影響。個人噪音敏感度與心理感受的相關性上呈現顯著的正相關,顯示個人自覺噪音敏度愈高對於噪音暴露下所產生之主觀煩擾度及自覺疲勞感受均會增加。由研究結果建議改善半導體廠無塵室噪音以降低噪音對作業人員生理與心理的影響, 進而提升半導體廠無塵室作業環境品質。


噪音暴露 噪音特性 血壓 煩擾 半導體廠


This main purpose of this research is to study the physiological and psychological responses of noise exposure which are lower than the permitted range of regulation, 85 dB(A) in the working area of clean room in a semiconductor factory. Noises are simulated in laboratory and are divided into 4 groups, i.e. 80 dB(A) and 65 dB(A) with high and low frequency. Twenty subjects (10 males and 10 females) were exposed to the noise conditions for one hour to evaluate the physiological responses including blood pressure and pulse. These subjects’ psychological responses in annoyance and physiological fatigue were investigated by questionnaires, then to evaluate the relevance of individual noise sensitivity and subjective feeling. The results indicate that the systolic pressure under exposing 80 dB(A) noise is higher than under exposing 65 dB(A) noise (P<0.001), psychological annoyance under exposing 80 dB(A) noise is greater than under exposing 65 dB(A) noise (P <0.001) and subjective fatigue under exposing 80 dB(A) noise is greater than under exposing 65 dB(A) noise (P <0.001). Also, the effect of noise to human’s fatigue is primarily on difficulty of concentration. The subjective feeling and the systolic pressure is greater with the increase of noise intensity. There is no obvious relationship between the noise frequency and physiological responses and subjective feeling. Thus, in the clean room of a semiconductor factory, only the difference of noise intensity will cause different physiological responses and subjective feeling. The significant correlation between individual noise sensitivity and psychological feeling, indicates that person with higher individual noise sensitivity tend to have greater response in physiological fatigue and psychological annoyance. To improve the quality of working, this research suggests to level down the noise in the clean room of a semiconductor factory to reduce the physiological and psychological noise effect on operators.


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