  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 曹逢甫


摘要 當語言與語言之間的接觸到達一定的密集程度時,往往會對彼此的結構產生影響,引發了所謂的接觸演變,次方言與次方言之間更是如此。在台灣的客家話次方言中以說四縣客家話與海陸客家話的人為大宗,因此在這兩者密切接觸下的產物就是一般所稱的「四海話」。 四海話的研究自鄧盛有(2000)的碩論以後研究者已有一些(見鄧盛有2001, 2002a,2002b 2003,鍾榮富2006, 張素玲2006),但基本上他們都是以一地點如新竹峨眉、關西,桃園平鎮,楊梅等少數幾人之樣本所作的概化論述。這樣的研究當然對吾人關於接觸演變的了解有不少助益,但在語言現象的代表性上明顯地有其侷限性,也比較不能顯現演變的方向以及演變中的所牽涉到的語言學以及社會語言學的機制。為了克服上述的困難本研究花了約三年時間分別調查桃園楊梅鎮、桃園龍潭鄉、新竹縣新埔鎮,觀察其受到強勢客語包圍下所引起的語言調適現象,並且納入國語(普通話)對客語影響之考量。我們在語音以及詞彙等方面進行語料的全面蒐集,蒐集的同時並控制性別、年齡以及方言背景等社會因素,在經過整理分析之後,這些資料拿來與附近的新竹海陸客家話及苗栗四縣客家話作一全面的比對以推斷在該區所發生的變化,參與其中的語言學與社會語言學機制,以及未來的演變方向。我們並且拿我們的結論與鄧盛有及鍾榮富的結論作一比較。最後我們對台灣四海客家話的共同特色及其相異點,以及對接觸引發的語言演變機制進行進一步的討論。


Abstract After a period of frequent contact between languages, languages may generally affect each other’s structures, and consequently, language changes are induced. This kind of contact-induced change occurs especially frequently between dialects. There are two major dialects of Hakka in Taiwan: Si-Xien Hakka and Hai-Lu Hakka. Si-Hai Hakka, therefore, arose as the consequence of frequent contact between these two dialects. The studies on Si-Hai Hakka appeared firstly in Deng’s (2000) thesis, and also in Deng (2001, 2002a, 2002b, 2003), Chong (2006) and Chang (2006). However, in each of these studies, only one specific place was chosen, e.g., 峨嵋Emei, 關西Kuanhsi in Hsinchu, and平鎮Pingjen 楊梅Yangmei in Taoyuan, and each of the investigations was based on a few informants. While these studies have certainly contributed to our understanding of language changes induced by contact, in contrast, they have their limitations in that the investigations were based on only few older speakers. Furthermore, they have restrictions on revealing the direction of the language change and the relevant linguistic and sociolinguistic mechanisms involved in the changes. To solve the problems, this study investigates the phenomenon of language accommodation in 新埔Sinpu in Hsinchu County, and 楊梅Yangmei and 龍潭Longtan in Taoyuan County. We have collected some useful structures and vocabulary data by controlling such social factors, as sex, and age of the interviewees. Besides, the effect of Mandarin on these two dialects is included in this study. After collection and analysis, the data were compared with Hai-Lu Hakka spoken in Hsinchu and Si-Xien Hakka spoken in Miaoli. Thus, to infer which linguistic or social factors involved caused the changes in the village and what the direction of change is, we further compared the results of our investigation with Deng’s and Chong’s, to find out the features generally found in Si-Hai Hakka spoken around Taiwan which triggers these language changes.


呂嵩雁 (2003),<客語說詞中夾用國語現象分析>,《花蓮師院學報》16:33-52。
