  • 學位論文

談輕動詞、施用及處置結構的內外之分: 以北四縣客語為例

The Ins and Outs of Light Verbs and Disposable Constructions: A View from Northern Sixian Hakka

指導教授 : 蔡維天


摘要 這篇論文主要探討在北四縣客語中,施用結構(Applicative construction)、 處置結構(Disposal construction)以及輕動詞(Light verb)的語義及句法特性。並從製圖理論(Cartographic Approach)的角度描繪出這些結構在句法上的位置。再者,從句法位置可觀察出無論是施用結構、處置結構及輕動詞組都能呈現與國語相似的特性-¬內外之分(Tsai 2011a)。 在北四縣客語的施用及處置結構中,皆由顯性的標記lau來分別引介施用論元及處置論元。首先,在施用結構中,由顯性施用標記lau來引介論元的結構稱為外蒙受結構(Outer affective),位在句子頂端的補語層(CP);而由非典雙賓句組成的內蒙受結構(Inner affective)則位處中階施用結構中輕動詞組的邊緣地帶(vP)。此外,相較於施用結構,處置標記lau在北四縣客語中被分析為輕動詞的一種,所以內、外處置結構(Inner/ Outer disposal)皆位在低於內蒙受結構的輕動詞位置。至於輕動詞組,根據謂語屬性的不同,同樣也能觀察到內外分布的差異: 外輕動詞(Outer light verb)與使事性(causality)有關,在句法位置上處於左緣結構;相對來說,內輕動詞(Inner light verb)與工具、地點、目的相關連則位處輕動詞組的邊緣地帶。 最後,本文藉著施用結構、處置結構及輕動詞的互動組成之多重結構,描繪出北四縣客語內外之分的地貌圖,並由CP與vP的內外分布顯示漢語的分析性展現在語法結構的各個層次。


Abstract This thesis aims to map out inner-outer dichotomy in terms of applicative, disposal construction and light verbs in Northern Sixian Hakka under the cartographic approach (Rizzi 1997, Cinque1999), and further specifies the interactions of the multiple constructions among these categories. By observing the semantic and syntactic properties of applicative and disposal constructions, as well as light verbs in Northern Sixian Hakka, and by identifying how these properties are similar to those used in Mandarin (Tsai 2011a), we propose that these structures form the basis of an inner-outer dichotomy. The arguments of both the applicative and disposal constructions are introduced by the explicit marker lau. An applicative construction with the explicit marker lau is an outer affective, and is situated in the high applicative of the CP periphery. By contrast, an inner affective comprising pseudo double object constructions without the explicit marker lau is distributed to the middle applicative in the vP periphery. Moreover, disposal lau behaves as a light verb and both inner and outer disposals are distributed within the vP and lower than inner affective. Furthermore, light verbs can be divided into inner and outer groups according to their predicate types; an outer light verb that is associated with causality is arranged within the left periphery, whereas an inner light verb that is related to an instrument, location, or reason is situated within the vP phase. Based on this topography, the interaction of these constructions verifies the split-CP (Rizzi 1997) and the existence of vP periphery in Northern Sixian Hakka.


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