  • 學位論文


The study of the Ladies' Charity Society of Formosa

指導教授 : 邱馨慧


摘要 臺灣婦人慈善會與愛國婦人會、篤志看護婦人會並稱日治時期三大婦女團體,愛國婦人會做為總督府外圍組織,負責軍事救護的部分,篤志看護婦人會做為赤十字社下轄的組織,負責傳授救護法,是看護婦的養成機構,但是臺灣婦人慈善會卻一直缺乏相關研究。本文試圖以臺灣婦人慈善會為主體,探討這個團體在日治時期的發展脈絡,以及團體之中成員的互動與人際網絡,與另外兩個婦女團體的差別,並探詢她們對臺灣產生何種影響與貢獻,針對相關研究補闕拾遺。 最初因為舉辦慈善音樂會極為成功,臺灣婦人慈善會利用盈餘成立慈善團體,成立初期女性會員的組成與愛國婦人會多有重疊。而一手推動臺灣婦人慈善會成立的後藤後來離開臺灣,總督府不像後藤一般重視社會政策,婦人慈善會便不如愛國婦人會那般茁壯發展。臺灣婦人慈善會後來改組為財團法人,成為一般的社會事業助成團體,提供資金援助其他社會事業團體。 臺灣婦人慈善會發展的社會事業多元,有教育、衛生、醫療各方面,不限於某一特定領域,它們的貢獻在於團體基金充足,能夠提供補助金、獎勵金給其他社會事業團體,讓這些團體能夠渡過不穩定的初期,進而穩健經營,促進臺灣社會事業的健全發展。 在本論文中,將會利用該會的出版刊物描述臺灣婦人慈善會成立的緣由,討論該會與後藤新平之間的關係,並以參與該會的人員為主軸討論與其他婦女組織的異同,以及男性在該會扮演的角色及其人際網絡。最後透過分析、比較該會的社會事業,評論臺灣婦人慈善會為臺灣社會的貢獻。


Abstract The Ladies’ Charity Society of Formosa (臺灣婦人慈善會, LCSF), the Japanese Women’s Patriotic Association (愛國婦人會, JWPA) and the Ladies’ Volunteer Nursing Association (篤志看護婦人會, LVNA) were the most important women’s societies during Japanese colonial period in Taiwan history. The JWPA sought to improve military care. The LVNA was the Taiwan branch of the Japanese Red Cross Society (日本赤十字社) at that time, which carried out medical and surgery training for nurses. Compared with the latter two organizations, the LCSF awaits exploration through careful analysis of historical resources. My main questions are: what kind of roles did this society play in Japanese colonial era in Taiwan? And what is the difference among these three women’s organizations? The LCSF was founded by the profit from hosting a successful charity concert. In 1904, Goto Shinpei (後藤新平, 1857-1929), the Director of the Civil Administration Bureau of Taiwan (臺灣民政長官), attempted to set up a truly Taiwan-based women charity society. After Goto’s tenure, the Governor General of Taiwan (臺灣總督) paid little attention to this society, which led it to become less active and finally confined in the locality of Taipei city area. From 1904-1945, the LCSF dedicated itself to varied kind of charity, including education, public medical care, and housing immigrant workers. Additionally, it provided money to other charity organizations, in order to foster them to run steady. The ultimate aim was the charity organizations are more stable and the social welfare would be more perfect. In this thesis, firstly, I argued the establishment of the LCSF through investigating its publications, and discussed the relationships between Goto and the LCSF. Secondly, I analyzed the differences between the LCSF and the JWPA. Moreover, the interpersonal networks of male members would be explored as well. Finally, the contributions of all kinds of social welfare works in that period would be described.



