  • 學位論文


Sogdian Marriage in T'ang Dynasty

指導教授 : 賴瑞和


粟特人(Sogdian)是定居於中亞錫爾河、阿姆河流域的族群,他們建立了許多大大小小的城邦,並積極地向外拓展。最晚在魏晉之際進入漢地,六世紀之後深入隋唐帝國的各個階層並產生重大的影響,直到八世紀阿拉伯人攻入中亞,才阻斷了粟特人從中亞移居到漢地的歷史。 本文首先梳理粟特諸國的婚俗,從西元四世紀與八世紀的粟特文本中,可以發現粟特女性雖然可以透過婚約得到一些特殊的保障,但是女性在婚前、婚後受到男性監護的社會形態是很明確的。在遠離粟特諸國的移民聚落中,女性依然受到父族或者夫族的制約,但是在戰亂頻仍的中亞地區,她們一旦脫離男性的保護,極有可能淪為奴隸,而遭到無情的對待。 粟特人在擴張的過程中建立了許多殖民地,這些聚落也延伸到了唐帝國境內。定居已久的舊移民擁有自己的人際網絡,建立起跨越州境與族群的婚姻,藉此來擴展自己的商業版圖。掌握了一定資源的舊移民甚至乾脆改名換姓或者與高門士族聯姻,希望能抬高家族的名望。而帶著部眾以軍隊的形態進入唐帝國的新移民,則優先考慮與職業軍人家族聯姻,以此來鞏固自己的地位。 安史之亂後,唐帝國失去對中亞的控制權,無家可歸的粟特移民必須面對來自唐人的惡意而改換郡望或者改變姓氏,在邊疆地區,卻反而為了抵抗吐蕃的壓力,使得粟特內部的通婚案例增加。但是在安史舊部控制的河北地區,卻成為粟特人與其他胡人的新家園,在河北地區的胡漢通婚並不隱藏自己的出身,對於一些粟特大將而言,與士族通婚不是高攀,而有安定地方的作用。 此外,還有許多以人口交易的方式販入漢地的粟特女子,她們被迫成為奴婢、姬妾,婚姻也往往不得自主。在皇宮中服務者或許可以與同樣任職於宮中的男子結婚,但是被販入民間者卻往往境況淒涼。從貴族、自由人到奴隸,進入唐帝國的粟特移民的紀錄雖然不多,卻留下了一個族群如何適應環境的痕跡。


粟特 婚姻 移民


The Sogdians ara an Eastern Iranian language called Sogdian, they lived in Syr Darya, Amu Darya basin where are called Sogdiana.They established many city-states, and formed colonies on Silk Road.Sogdian entered China in 4th cebtury at lastest. After 6th century, they made influential contributions to China. Until 8th century, the Arabs invaded Central Asia and blocked Sogdian emigrated from Central Asia to China . Sogdian texts from the fourth century BC and the eighth century can be found that although Sogdian women can get some special protection through marriage, but women were still under male guardianship of society form is very clear. Away from immigration settlement Sogdian countries, women continue to be under parent family or husband family constraints. In frequent wars of Central Asia, Sogdian women could'nt escape from men's protection. If they did, it might bring them into slavery or mercilessly treatment. Sogdians established many colonies in the expansion process, these settlements are also extended to the territory of the T'ang Empire. To settle the old immigrant has its own social network, established across the state border and ethnic marriage, thereby to expand their business territory. Some old Immigrant can simply change their name, seek Nobles marriage, hoping to raise a family of fame. And the new immigrants who took whole tribe in, thwy might seeking marriage with imperial guard to consolidate their position. After An Shi rebellion (755-763), T'ang Empire lost control over Central Asia, homeless Sogdian immigrants must face malicious from the Tang Empire and change or alter the surname. Prefecture, in the border region, Sogdian must resist the pressure of Tibet, which made of more Sogdian intermarriage. on the other hand, Hebei had become Sogdians's new home, their marriage didn't have to hide their identity.For some Sogdian warlords, they didn't have to be social climber to marry highborns. If they did, it might use as pacify their territory. In addition, there were many Sogdian girls sold by their masters or parents. They were forced to become slaves, concubines or both. Their marriages were not an option of their own.Some girls who sent into Palace as singers or dancers might have chance to marry men working in the palace, but those been sold into civil was another story. From the nobility, freemen to slaves who entered the Tang Empire record Sogdian immigrants, while small, has left a trace of ethnic how to adapt to the environment.


Sogdian Marriage immigrant


李貞德,〈超越父系家族的藩籬──台灣地區「中國婦女史」研究(1945─1995)〉,《新史學》7:2 ,台北:1996,139-179。
胡雲薇, 〈千里宦遊成底事,每年風景是他鄉──試論唐代的宦遊與家庭〉,《台大歷史學報》第41期,台北:國立台灣大學歷史系,2008.6,65-107

