  • 學位論文

全球動物藥廠併購整合策略: 以B公司為例探討區域併購後行銷策略

The Mergers and Acquisitions Strategies of Global Animal Health Company: Taking B Group for Example to Investigate Marketing Strategy after Regional Merged and Acquired

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


各類大型跨國企業為達其營運目標,進行併購(Mergers & Acquisition; M&A)或是企業分割(Spin-off) 相當的常見,但可以見得的,製藥產業發生合資、併購或分割等行為的比例,遠較其他產業為高。除了製藥業本身的特性之外,當前社會經濟的活絡程度、各國主管機關法規的限縮、研發耗時且花費金額甚鉅、面臨專利屆期的壓力等因素,造成現今製藥產業巨擘之間的相互併購行為層出不窮,其衍伸的問題包括壟斷、過度多角化、議價能力上升、環境保護議題等,除了影響旗下子公司股東及員工甚鉅,更深深地影響消費者與普羅大眾之權益。 而多半附屬於製藥業旗下之動物保健藥品產業,雖佔人藥母公司的比例多半不甚高,但衍伸出許多動物福祉與動物健康等問題,更有甚者影響糧食及蛋白質來源及人類的健康,同樣的也會對人類社會造成一定程度的影響。本文針對製藥業的起源特性加以研究,並就併購的出現及後續問題予以闡述;條列出動物保健產業全球前十大的公司,以簡單的個案形式分析產業中前三大公司之發展歷史與併購行為。此三者產品線與組成架構的演進,在近代公司結構中堪稱最精彩的併購戰爭。 最後,以同樣為前十大動物保健公司之一的法國B藥廠於台灣的合資併購行為加以描述與比較,內容詳述台灣之動物藥品生技產業背景,多數台灣廠商所面臨之市場受限、技術與資金層面不足之困境,且若獲得外商投資或合資,並導入歐美生產管理模式加以改善,將大幅提升其競爭力;並就未來的發展方向及重點於本研究中進行詳盡的探討與評估。




It is quite common to see various large multinationals to implement the mergers & acquisition (M&A) or spin-off to achieve their business objectives. In the past, the proportion of joint venture or spin-off occurred in pharmaceutical industry are getting higher and higher than other industries. In addition to the characteristics of the pharmaceutical industry itself, the dynamic of current socio-economic, national regulatory authorities is getting strict and rigorous, and the research and development is always spending hugely time-consuming and facing the pressure of the expiration of patents or other factors. The currently results, pharmaceutical industry giants execute mergers & acquisitions between each other. But extended the endless problems of monopoly (antitrust issue), excessive diversification, the force of bargaining to consumers is rising and environmental issue. Not only being huge influence of shareholders and employees in belonged subsidiary but also deeply affect the interests of consumer and the right of general public. The animal health companies are mostly attached to the human pharmaceutical industry, although the proportion of the parent corporation isn’t so high, but cause many problems of animal welfare and health, even impact on food supply, protein sources and human health, can cause in a certain of influence on human society as well. The purpose of study is to elaborate the issues of mergers and acquisitions on the pharmaceutical industry. Then the present study analyzes the history of development and behavior of mergers & acquisition activity of top three by case study method. Finally, taking the process of joint venture and M&A of B group in Taiwan for example to make the description and compared. The content recount the back ground of animal health and biotech industry. Most of Taiwanese plants are facing the difficulties in the limited market and situation of lack the technical and financial support. But their competitiveness will get greatly enhanced by import the production management system if receive the investment or joint ventures from foreigner firms once and will describe the process detailed in this study.


Animal Health


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