  • 學位論文


Localizers and Spatial Prepositional Phrases in Taiwanese Southern Min

指導教授 : 連金發


近年來關於空間前置詞詞組的研究,逐漸受到關注。不同的語言採取不同的策略來表達物體的具體方位,抑或指涉物之間的相對位置。最常見的構式為一個空間前置詞詞組,引領一個名詞詞組作補語的表達方式,即「前置詞+名詞詞組」。本研究旨在將臺灣閩南語的方位詞做一系統性的整理、探討其相關構式,並從句法角度分析方位詞詞組和空間前置詞詞組的分層結構。 臺灣閩南語方位詞可分成兩類:一是單音節的單純方位詞(如:「頂」、「裡」);另一種是由多音節組成的複雜方位詞(如:「頂頭」、「裡底」)。此外,臺灣閩南語的靜態方位前置詞「佇」可出現在帶有處所特徵的名詞前,例如:「佇遮」(在這兒)、「佇學校」(在學校)等等。倘若要用一般名詞來表示處所,其後方必須加上方位詞。換言之,閩南語中的方位詞具有將物體(Thing)轉換成處所(Place)的功能。本文歸納四種常見的方位構式:(1)前置詞+限定詞詞組+單純/複雜方位詞、(2)方位詞+複雜方位詞、(3)限定詞詞組+單純/複雜方位詞、(4)僅有複雜方位詞。當限定詞詞組搭配複雜方位詞時,兩者之間允許領屬格標記「个e5」嵌入。另一方面,本研究也觀察到方位詞和其前方的背景限定詞詞組(the ground DP)間存在部分與整體的關係(Part-Whole relation)。 以Ayano(2001)和Svenonius(2006,2010)的研究為基石,筆者發現臺灣閩南語的空間前置詞詞組也可進一步分裂成多個投射詞組群。方位詞為中心語,可投射出方位詞組(LocP)。另外,本文比較英文和閩南語的空間表達形式後,主張方位詞融合了處所(Place)和空間軸向部位(Axial part)的語義特徵。在分層前置詞詞組中,前置詞「佇」扮演連結者(RELATOR)的角色,用以指出本體(即「主語」)和處所地點(即「述語」)間的關係。「佇」被視為一個具有定位功能的中心語(標記成:p[+orientation]),句法上相當於輕前置詞(light p)。然而,英文中的定位輕前置詞(p[+orientation])在句法上是一個空功能範疇。光桿前置詞on,in和under占據較低的實詞階層P,某些情況下為了能更明確標明處所,在邏輯形式(LF)上移位到更高的定位輕前置詞(p[+orientation])位置。 最後一個探討焦點為空間方位前置詞詞組在子句中的分布位置。動詞前的「前置詞+方位詞詞組」為修飾語,用來表示動作或事件發生地場所。而動詞後的「前置詞+方位詞詞組」為補語,用以指出物體經過移動後坐落的地點。筆者採納Ramchand(2008)的First-phase Syntax分析閩南語的動詞前與動詞後的前置詞詞組,進而解釋兩者的差異。閩南語的空間句法階層vP,VP,pP分別與Ramchand提出的語意次事件結構causeP,processP,resultP相對應。動詞前的前置詞詞組牽涉到動態的動詞詞組。然而,動詞後的前置詞詞組則和(輕動詞詞組)、動詞詞組、輕前置詞詞組有關,子句裡的輕前置詞詞組標明了動作的結果或靜態的事件。


Recent years have seen increased attention being given to spatial prepositional phrases (spatial PPs). Different languages adopt distinct devices to express the location of objects. The common structure is one spatial preposition followed by a nominal phrase as a complement. The existence of localizers is a language-specific phenomenon for Sinitic languages. This thesis deals with properties of the localizer and its syntactic structure in Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM). Localizers in TSM are divided into two types, simple localizers (e.g. ting2 ‘above, up, on, top’, lai7 ‘in, inside’) and complex localizers (e.g. ting2thau5 ‘above, up, on, top’, lai7te2 ‘in, inside’). With regard to locative prepositional phrases in TSM, the preposition ti7 ‘at’ precedes a noun with [+PLACE] feature, such as ti7 tsia1 ‘here’, ti7 hak8-hau7 ‘at school’. In other words, a common noun cannot be used as a place word without the aid of the localizer because the localizer is a trigger to convert a Thing into a Place. There are four basic constructions of localizers in TSM: (i) P+ DP+ Locsim/ Loccom (ii) P+ Loccom (iii) DP+ Locsim/ Loccom (iv) Loccom In some cases, the possessive particle e5 ‘-‘s’ is inserted between a DPground and a localizer if the localizer consists of more than one syllable. Moreover, there exists the part-whole relation between the ground DP and localizers. In other words, the Ground DP serves as a Possessor within LocPs. According to Ayano (2001) and Svenonius (2006, 2010), the spatial PP in TSM also splits into several layered projections. Based on data, it was found that the localizer was a nominal head which projected a locative phrase (LocP). After comparing English with TSM, I propose the localizer involves a fusion of two semantic features, namely [PLACE] and [AXIAL PART]. In the analysis of layered prepositional phrases in TSM, the preposition ti7 resembles a RELATOR indicating a relation between an entity (i.e. Subject) and a place (i.e. Predicate). I assume the prepositional RELATOR ti7 is realized as a functional head, little p, which encodes [+orientation] feature. For example, the structure of pue1a2 ti7 toh4a2 ting2 ‘the cup is on the table’ is shown as [pP [DP pue1a2] [[p[+orientational ti7 ] [LocP [NPposs toh4a2] [Loc ting2]]]]. By contrast, there exists a null functional category, named p[+orientation] in English. English bare prepositions on, in or under originates in the lower P[+place] position and moves into p[+orientation] in Logical Form to denote a clear location. It accounts for why an English bare preposition is equal to TSM ti7+…+localizer. The last issue concerns the distribution of locative PPs. The sequence, P+LocP, occurs either before or after the VP in the sentence. The Preverbal PP is an adjunct referring to the place where an action happened while the postverbal PP is a complement denoting the location where the Figure DP arrived after the action. I adopt the idea of Ramchand’s (2008) First-phase Syntax to explain the difference between the preverbal PP and postverbal PP. Three syntactic projections in locative sentences: vP, VP and pP correspond to semantic subevents: causeP, processP and resultP, respectively. The structure of preverbal locative PPs involves dynamic VP, whereas the postverbal ones contain (vP), VP and pP. In such cases, pP denotes a result of event or a stative condition.


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